WATCH: 5 Reasons Why the U.S. Military is the Greatest Fighting Force in the World

 May 30, 2023

The United States has spent decades creating the most powerful military the world has ever seen. This includes the forging of elite teams, next generation technology, and the toughest warriors ever seen.

All of this ensures the United States has superior coverage on land, sea, air, cyberspace, and the next domain of warfare, space itself.

Don't mess with the USA...

Source: YouTube

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4 comments on “WATCH: 5 Reasons Why the U.S. Military is the Greatest Fighting Force in the World”

  1. At least it was until the Nobummer/joey Regime took over and introduced "rules of Engagement" systems that bordered on insanity .

  2. The US military are highly trained and capable of reeking havoc against an opposing force. The problem is, was and will always be thr politicians in DC that either caused the war, think they can ne badassed or do not care. Three out of four last Presidents never served in the military. One was a Reservist. They had control over men and equipment that they had little to no knowledge of. At least one never checked out the Standard Operational Procedures or policies of closing bases and evacuating troops and equipment by regulations. If any POTUS gives an order to our military, he should have had the military training and experience to do so.

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