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7 comments on “Police Officer Faces Psycho With A Sword Alone, No Radio Signal To Call For Backup”

  1. So glad the officer wasn't hurt !!
    It's scary how the officer's radio didn't work and he was forced to use his phone !!!!! But, unfortunately the perpetrator got what he deserved, no matter the language barrier, everyone knows you don't charge towards an officer with a deadly weapon !!!!

  2. okay, why are the residents still in the house? they would be safer outside the house. where is the back up. officer should be outside the house waiting for back up

  3. The Police Man had NO ALTERNATIVE ! bEING CHARGED AT , WITH WEAPON RAISED TO STRIKE ! Secure the perp ? The shots were at close range and badguy was done ! UNFORTUNATE SITUATION , but situation was secured with 3 bullets ! DONE DEAL !

  4. I know you need to sell something but put them before the final incident because most people just get tired and cancel the hold thing.

  5. Sorry, but a 4th. To the back of the head makes sure he is not moving. But then again I am not a restricted LEO.

  6. Sounds like the old days. Our radios were on low band and line of sight for a signal to our operator!

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