Active Shooter Opens Fire On New York City Subway Station, At Least 16 Wounded

 April 13, 2022

While the country is still reeling from the completely preventable and brutal attack in Sacramento California, another senseless act of violence was committed in a New York City Subway Station.

The gunman began his attack by donning a gas mask and activating a smoke grenade inside a train. As the smoke rose he then opened fire, striking people both inside and outside the train.

Below are two social media posts showing the aftermath of the attack. WARNING: some of the footage is graphic.

Unfortunately, the country is once again ringing with calls for more gun control. However, it's important to note that both the Sacramento and New York attacks occurred in cities with some of the most strict gun control laws in the country.

What new gun law would possibly prevent someone bent on murder from committing the crime? The truth is, no gun law will prevent this violence.

What will prevent more senseless attacks is empowering law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Also, cities must fund and support law enforcement agencies. Finally, the laws on the books must be enforced. The Sacramento attacker was out on early release due to woke policies despite the DA's prediction that there would be violent crimes committed.

The odds are that this latest shooter is also a repeat offender, someone with a history of committing violent crimes.

What do you think, is gun control the answer? Or should politicians be held responsible for pushing feel-good policies that allow repeat offenders back on the streets?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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8 comments on “Active Shooter Opens Fire On New York City Subway Station, At Least 16 Wounded”

  1. Has anyone else noticed that when DEMOCRATS are in charge of the USA that there is more violence from murderers, assaulters, and rapists, then the shit-ass communist demo wants to remove our RIGHTS and self-protection?

    How much are these asinine democrats paying these terrorists to kill American????????????

  2. We are up against diversionary tactics to take our eyes of Hunter computer and all that is divulged! And Hillary and what she has done to our country. Pelosi, Schmitt, Shiff, all the dirty things the politicians have done in both parties! The Masons of high stature the Lucifirians. Devil worshipers are at the helm of being exposed. They are causing diversions so the media is diverted off of what is the truth. Trust God all you people and I pray God will draw all men unto His heart for He is THEWAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!

  3. Am I the only one who notices that the more the government pushes for gun control the mor shootings we have?!

  4. Social media is the problem alongside our government. We should not talk about religion nor politics outside our homes. And we should be kind to all around us, Obey the policies and laws of our “Founding Fathers”
    Trump did right by the people. He just needed to know when to stay quiet and let the liberals and democrats put their foot in they’re mouths instead of he his own. We need a president to do right by us all, uphold the laws and policies and not point fingers. And for corrupt people like Hillary,Nancy,Kamala,Biden,Newsom,and many more names should be fired and some of them behind bars for the scandalous acts they’ve done to our government,our military and our country.

  5. Has anyone ever noticed that during the last 60 years, every time that the dems start talking "gun control", there are suddenly at least one and usually more, mass shootings occur. Now isn't that strange? And isn't it usually found to be a dam that's doing the shooting. JUST SAYING!!!

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