Seattle Police Department Severely Understaffed. Unable To Investigate Sexual Assault Cases

 April 14, 2022

Anti-Police sentiment in Seattle has reached the point we always knew it would. Police Officers have left the department in droves and even more are on long term leave, many are looking for employment elsewhere.

The situation has gotten so bad that not a single sexual assault of an adult in the month of March has been investigated.

It gets worse... thanks to COVID lockdowns, child abuse has risen aggressively in the city. Now that kids are finally getting back to school, the number of child abuse reports have skyrocketed but the Police Department is not able to keep up.

"So far this year, only 1.6 percent of cases that were investigated by the sexual assault and child abuse unit resulted in an arrest... That’s down from 14 percent of cases investigated leading to apprehensions in 2019. Not a single adult sexual assault case was assigned to a detective in March... The Seattle Police Department sexual assault unit is not at all investigating adult sexual assault reports or cases unless there was an arrest"

Police Tribune

About 7% of the force has left the department since 2019 and the nation-wide rioting. Another 16% are out on long term leave. But the crisis runs deeper: how many quality candidates are applying elsewhere due to the anti-Police sentiment? Andrew Lincowski was once such candidate who was returning to Law Enforcement but decided against applying in Seattle and was hired in Casper, Wyoming instead:

"People want to come here from Seattle or Portland or Illinois or wherever, all these places I wouldn’t work in. You couldn’t pay me enough to go work in some of those places, the anti-police sentiment, the rioters … I want to live somewhere where I’m not worried about that stuff being really bad."

Change Washington

Apparently Casper, Wyoming “has a growing cohort of police officers who came here specifically for a place where they feel their job is respected.”

If Seattle was not such a poisonous place for Police to work, more officers like Lincowski may have chosen to work there. But because of the radical anti-Police sentiment, good candidates are going elsewhere.

It's costing the city dearly. Violent sexual predators and abusers of children are getting away with horrific crimes and they will likely re-offend.

Seattle must serve as a harsh lesson to radical anti-Police cities across America: People will suffer if Police are not supported and funded.

Of course, to an sane person this is no surprise. But to those who stubbornly cling to their radical ideology, blood is on their hands.

What do you think, is there hope for cities like Seattle? How can they turn these sickening trends around? Let us know in the comments below.

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23 comments on “Seattle Police Department Severely Understaffed. Unable To Investigate Sexual Assault Cases”

  1. Unfortunately, the far left radicals will remain radical until it impacts them or someone in their families. Abusers and child preditors should be given the death penalty. There is no cure for that no matter how the legacy news tries to normalize it!

  2. So what are parents or victims to do in the case of a sexual or even other type assault?

    It comes down to vigilante justice. But is vigilante justice moral even if illegal? Well it was the belief of the Founders that if government authorities COULD not or WOULD not enforce the law, then it was the citizens' right, even obligation, to do so.

    But why are liberal (leftist) politicians allowing this breakdown to occur in the first place? It's my belief they're doing so in the hopes we'll ignore Benjamin at Franklin's admonition that those who'd trade essential liberties for temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.

    Perhaps citizens should also consider when bringing criminals to justice in such circums they should also consider the politicians as well.


    2. This is all designed as part of destroying America for the NWO. It will not only continue, but worsen, for the foreseeable future.

  3. allowing sexual predators to continue without consequences will create more and more victims. It is a terrible downhill spiral as the victims become offenders many times. This creates even more victims, these victims also are more likely to be violent when they become adults and to be drug abusers from the pain they feel inside

  4. The politicians in office in that part of the country are the criminals an until the people wake up and vote them out of office the problems will go on. Since we have a criminal as our president and he can get away with what ever he wants along with his whole family who belong behind bars our criminal justice system is following suit. they sit behind their big desks collecting a paycheck from the hard working people who pay the taxes then slap the hands of the good for nothing criminals while locking up the innocent. There has to be some major changes in who gets put in office. People who vote just their party lines need to change their ways and they also need to investigate the people they vote for. Politicians say what ever they think you want to hear and when they get into office they do a complete turn around.. Promise you the world, then pull the rug out from under you. If you commit a sexual asult they should have their weapon removed cut of and fed to them.HAVE A NICE DAY.

    1. Personally, I would like to start at the top myself, and work my way down through the number of criminal governors. Does that sound too revolotionary? The Democratic party is filth and should be removed or replaced as a political party. Wake up America!

  5. Seattle, Wa. is in real trouble of being a ghost town. After everybody who has anything worth protecting leaves, only the radical fools and their belovid diseased criminals can stay and s--e on the sidewalks together.

  6. This is why the demacrats want to remove artical 42. This way the southern boarder is open to more kids that are NOT signed in so no one knows we're they are. This is the sex trafficking that demacrats are known for. Since Trump slowed down this traffic the sex predator has to use someone that is known to be here. Plain and simple to see. Just need to open your eyes.

  7. Look at Biden's person for the High Court ,lets them get away or little time. She needs removed or we will have a real problem in the future as she leans farther left in her views.

  8. Remember the movie Death Wish with Charles Bronson? That's what democrat run cities need, a Charles Bronson like character who goes out taking over where the police cannot.

  9. Can't say I'm surprised, & I certainly don't blame them. The job is difficult & hazardous enough, without adding the anti-police element to it. They're human too.

  10. How is a rabid animal taken care of, they are done away with and a sexual rabid person needs to be in the same line of curre. They will never get the cure but will be rabid as long as they are out there running loose

  11. the only thing that will turn this around is if the constituents become aware that dems have no plan and then the red wave will be a typhoon and the republicans get voted into positions of power and then; well, there will be a significant amount of work and changes will slowly come about

    1. That might have been true, a century ago; today, with few exceptions, we have an uniparty, many of whom ARE such predators themselves, starting in the Oval Office ( or wherever the real Joe is stashed now, since his fall up the USAF 1 boarding ramp over an yr ago). They will continue to PTA, & ruining children's lives, unimpeded, regardless the letter behind their names.

  12. If it is insane what the radicals have done to Seattle. Everyone in government should be voted out as quickly as possible. If they are left in there then the residents of Seattle deserve what they get. The ones that have any intelligence should start making arrangements to move out, as difficult as that may be.
    I used to love visiting there. I have no longer any desire to go there.

  13. Put all these perverts on an island air drop food as we can't be barbaric use drones to make sure they don't try to escape and let them diddle themselves. Children are now safe and the cost to do this is minimal .

  14. Not just Seattle, & ot just recently; sexual predators, especially those who victimize young children, have escaped justice for centuries. Even after laws were enacted to protect children, statutesof limitation let far too many escape penalty, due to the nature of very young victims' inability to testify in time, betweenlack of language skills, comprehension of what did happen to them, & a survival mechanism called repression often employed by them, especially when the abusers are supposed to be their protectors from such abuse, & have filled their young minds with lies designed to protect the abusers, as well. The situation in Seattle, & other leftist stronholds, is further complicated by anti-law enforcement picies, prosecutors refusing to hold certain perpetrators accountable at all, & now the breaking down & obliteration of the laws designed to protect children from such predation, while those predators are actually being protected to continue damaging & destroying children's lives!


  15. Try dumping your governor and electing one that does their job. Same shit is going on in Oregon with the idiot there.

  16. The idiots on the left that run Seattle should be very proud of how out of touch they are with the police and the people in the city, They have made a once beautiful city into a third world hell-hole. Just like Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, New york. The commone thread is that they are all run by leftists.

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