14,000 Acres Scorched as Wildfires Surge Near Los Angeles

 June 17, 2024

The blaze erupted near Gorman, a devastating call to action for wildfire teams.

The "Post Fire" wildfire, which started northwest of Los Angeles, has caused thousand-acre devastation and significant evacuations, Daily Mail reported.

Initiated on a seemingly quiet Saturday, the wildfire, subsequently named "Post Fire" after its origin, sprang to life near Hungry Valley Park around the early afternoon. By Sunday night, the fire had engulfed over 14,000 acres, with containment efforts struggling at just 2%.

Emergency services rally to fight the growing blaze

To tackle the raging wildfire, an extensive deployment of resources is underway. The firefighting ensemble includes more than 400 brave firefighters, employing over 70 engines and coupled with two dozer teams to carve containment lines against the unrestrained flames.

Beyond the ground efforts, aerial strategies are also being employed, although hindered by poor visibility. According to Cal Fire, "Aircraft are working to stop forward progress but have limited visibility," highlighting the challenges faced from above.

Wind conditions have exacerbated the wildfire scenario. Blowing fiercely at up to 50 mph on Sunday and expected to intensify, these winds present significant hurdles for controlling the flames.

Residents urged to prepare for swift evacuation

Kenichi Haskett of the LA County Fire Department detailed the complications posed by these windy conditions:

When it’s windy, it just sprays the water everywhere we don’t need it. So that’s a challenge. If you’re in a warning area, be prepared with a ‘go bag,’ with overnight clothes and your cellphone, your medicines, and your glasses. Have your car fueled up. Be ready to evacuate.

Efforts to keep the community safe are in full swing, with evacuation orders affecting regions along Interstate 5 and around Pyramid Lake facilitated by California Park Services. A 'Red Flag' fire warning persists, underscoring the severe fire risk conditions expected to continue impacting the area.

No immediate injuries or structural losses have been reported, which speaks to the prompt and effective response of the fire services. The community remains on high alert, guided by evacuation warnings, especially west of Interstate 5 between Pyramid Lake and Gorman.

The wildfire crisis in California continues to escalate

This incident contributes to an alarming trend in California, where wildfires have become increasingly frequent and severe.

So far this year, the state has witnessed 1,769 wildfires, a testament to the growing challenge faced by fire management teams and the need for continued vigilance from the public.

The "Post Fire" serves as a critical reminder of wildfires' unpredictable nature and the broad measures needed to combat them. From ground strategies to air responses, every action is pivotal in curtailing the spread of these destructive forces.


The "Post Fire" wildfire, igniting near Gorman and ravaging through over 14,000 acres, exemplifies California's persistent threat of wildfires. The comprehensive response involving over 400 firefighters, strategic air operations despite limited visibility, and the community's adherence to evacuation orders underscore the multi-faceted approach required in wildfire management. As firefighters continue to battle harsh winds and rugged terrain, the call for community readiness and precaution remains critical in safeguarding lives and properties.

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