US Navy Dispatches Destroyers To Monitor Russian Naval Flotilla Near Florida

 June 13, 2024

Tensions rise as the US Navy tracks Russian military vessels near American waters.

Daily Mail reported that the US deployed three destroyers and a submarine reconnaissance aircraft to monitor a Russian nuclear submarine and warship equipped with hypersonic weapons near American shores.

In a tense show of naval power, Russian warships equipped with advanced military technology passed just 25 miles from the South Florida coast, prompting the US Navy to initiate a tracking and surveillance mission.

The operation includes several key assets: the destroyers USS Truxtun, USS Donald Cook, and USS Delbert D. Black, alongside a submarine reconnaissance aircraft.

Their mission is to closely monitor the Russian flotilla led by Admiral Gorshkov, a frigate known for carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles.

Strategic Global Chess Move: Naval Manoeuvres Off The Coast of Cuba

In addition to Admiral Gorshkov, the flotilla comprises the nuclear submarine Kazan, the tanker Pashin, and the rescue tug Nikolay Chiker.

These ships have reached Havana, engaging in naval and aerial exercises that underscore Russia's ongoing alliance with Cuba, dating back to the Cuban Revolution in 1959.

These operations are not just routine naval drills. Russia’s defense ministry has highlighted that these exercises, running from June 12 to June 17, involve high-precision weapons and computer simulations targeting mock-ups with various military systems. This would be the first occurrence of such high-stake drills near Cuba in the last five years.

The proximity of these powerful naval assets near U.S. shores is perceived as a bold statement of power amidst escalating tensions with Russia, especially given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Global Reactions and Defensive Measures

Enhancing the surveillance, the US has also deployed a Boeing P-8 Poseidon aircraft, and further international support comes from the Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ville de Quebec, which has joined in these tracking activities. Their collective effort reinforces the precarious geopolitical climate currently overshadowing the Western Hemisphere.

The Russian narrative ties these maneuvers close to American waters as a direct reaction to NATO’s naval exercises in the Baltic Sea.

This tit-for-tat in military posturing between NATO and Russia is not just about flexing military muscle but also sending a geopolitical message.

Cuban authorities have rebutted claims that the Russian vessels carried nuclear weapons, perhaps to downplay the perceived threat. Yet, the strategic implications are clear.


The US Navy’s deployment of destroyers and reconnaissance assets is a direct response to the close approach of Russian warships equipped with hyperspeed missiles near the South Florida coast. These international drills by Russian forces, beside Cuban waters, reflect deep-rooted alliances and current global tensions. This geopolitical chess game serves as a reminder of the intricate dance of diplomacy and show of force that defines international relations today.

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