Bodycam Footage Shows Alec Baldwin Post-Rust Set Incident

 July 12, 2024

Newly released bodycam footage has provided a critical view of the moments following the fatal shooting on the "Rust" movie set involving actor Alec Baldwin and cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

According to Irish Star, fresh bodycam footage shows Alec Baldwin immediately after the shooting of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

In court, the prosecution's first witness, Santa Fe police officer Nicholas Lefleur, detailed the events and shared his bodycam footage. The footage captured Lefleur's arrival at the scene and his assistance with other emergency responders.

First Responder's Actions Following Tragedy

Alec Baldwin, still in his costume outside the church, confessed to handling the firearm that led to the cinematographer’s demise.

Despite the chaotic situation, Officer Lefleur's primary responsibility was to ensure that Baldwin did not communicate with others present to preserve the integrity of their testimonies. It was a crucial step to prevent any unintentional influence on witness statements.

“Essentially, he's detained, not free to leave, so I'm there with him," Officer Lefleur explained about Baldwin's immediate handling. Following his protocol, he directed Baldwin: “I did tell him to stop talking,” a necessary measure to safeguard the ongoing investigation.

In an attempt to control the scene, Officer Lefleur concentrated on organizing all individuals who were in the vicinity. “I just wanted everybody who was in the church in one area so we could easily be found,” he articulated during his testimony.

Testimony Highlights Investigative Challenges

Throughout the cross-examination, Baldwin’s defense highlighted a few errors committed by Lefleur during the initial response; these were acknowledged by the officer, revealing the intense pressure and complexity of the scene management. Despite this, his dedication to his duty was clear.

Forensics experts Lucien and Michael Haag brought a technical aspect to the trial, contradicting Baldwin’s version of the events. They reported:

This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger.

During Officer Lefleur's detailed recount of the events on the bodycam, a mix of procedural fidelity and human reaction was evident. His candid admission of the instructions he provided Baldwin showed his commitment to justice. “I believe he told me he was holding the gun. I believe, in the beginning, when I was leaving the church, one of the guys said Baldwin had pulled the trigger, so off of what was told..," Lefleur testified.

Forensic Evidence Calls into Question Actor's Claims

The contrast between Baldwin's denial of firing the weapon and the expert forensic report underscores a significant area of investigation. The presence of such technology on the bodycam plays a vital role in piecing together the sequence of events.

Both the video evidence and forensic analysis intensify ongoing court debates about whether Baldwin indeed pulled the trigger. These elements form the backbone of a case that continues to capture public and legal interest, presenting a complex blend of witness testimony, forensic science, and the critical moments captured on the police bodycam.

As the legal proceedings press on, the facts laid out in the court continue to draw a harrowing picture of the events. Baldwin maintains his initial claim, setting up a contentious path forward in the trial.


Officer Nicholas Lefleur's crucial testimony and the forensic insights presented have deepened the complexities of the case. The ongoing court trials, bolstered by bodycam footage and technical forensics, strive to unravel the layers of this tragic incident that marred the "Rust" film set, leaving the industry and audiences alike in mourning for Halyna Hutchins.

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