Ex-White House Staffer Charged as Unregistered Agent for S. Korea

 July 19, 2024

A shocking turn of events has unfolded as Sue Mi Terry, once a trusted intelligence operative, now faces serious charges.

NBC News reported that Sue Mi Terry, formerly linked with the CIA and the White House's National Security Council, has been charged with acting covertly for South Korea.

The indictments were unveiled this Tuesday in a federal court located in Manhattan, spotlighting accusations that span nearly a decade. After ending her tenure in government positions, Terry allegedly embarked on this covert path in 2013.

According to reports, she accepted over $37,000 along with luxury gifts and meals from operatives of South Korean intelligence. These illicit exchanges were strategically cloaked with payments made in upscale Washington stores, captured on surveillance during 2019 and 2021.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation once forewarned Terry in 2014 about potential covert operations by South Korean intelligence aiming at such funding methods. Her role seemingly involved sharing non-public U.S. information and improving connections between South Korean and U.S. officials.

Terry's Legal Repercussions and Defense

Currently, Terry is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations but has been put on unpaid leave due to ongoing investigations. Her legal team fervently disputes the charges levied against her.

Lee Wolosky, speaking on behalf of Terry, argued that the entire case misconstrues her intentions and professional alignment. He articulated his defense, stating the allegations contradicted her usual critiques of the South Korean government during the implied period of cooperation.

Examination of Terry's Involvement

The indictment accuses her of non-disclosure under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, alongside conspiracy to infringe this law, detailing a deliberate oversight over legal obligations.

Despite previous professional accolades, Terry confessed during a June 2023 FBI interview to being a "source" for South Korea, admitting she provided them with valuable information. Furthermore, in April 2023, she was paid to write a piece commending a summit between Presidents Biden and Yoon Suk Yeol, amplifying the complexities of her engagements.

Here is a detailed perspective from her legal representative:

These allegations are unfounded and distort the work of a scholar and news analyst known for her independence and years of service to the United States. She was a harsh critic of the South Korean government during times this indictment alleges that she was acting on its behalf. Once the facts are made clear, it will be evident the government made a significant mistake.

Born in Seoul, raised in Virginia, and now residing in New York, Terry’s journey from a senior CIA analyst (2001-2008) and director at the NSR (2008-2009) reflects a significant transition steeped in complexity and now, controversy.


The case against Sue Mi Terry maintains a dense fabric of international relations, deep-rooted allegiance, and alleged illicit exchanges that question the sanctity of national security protocols. The legal battle ahead seeks not only to challenge her purported actions but also to define the thin lines between diplomatic consultancy and undue foreign influence.

Both the prosecution and defense seem geared up for an intense legal showdown where past actions, professional integrity, and personal motives will be meticulously scrutinized under the judicial microscope. As this story unfolds, it will undoubtedly set a precedent for how similar cases are perceived and handled in the future.

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