Pro-Putin Channel Airs Simulated Nuclear Strike on London

 September 24, 2024

A Russian TV channel loyal to Vladimir Putin has broadcast a chilling simulation of a nuclear attack on London, depicting widespread destruction and massive casualties.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, the pro-Kremlin Tsargrad TV aired a four-minute video showing a hypothetical 750-kiloton nuclear warhead detonating over Westminster.

The simulation, which included English commentary, appears to be part of a broader campaign to intimidate Britain and deter it from allowing Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles against targets within Russia.

The video begins with an ominous warning, asking viewers to imagine "the unimaginable" scenario of a nuclear weapon exploding over London. It then proceeds to detail the devastating effects of such an attack, including the immediate vaporization of everything within a 950-meter radius of the blast epicenter.

Simulated Devastation and Casualty Estimates

The simulation predicts catastrophic damage extending far beyond the immediate blast zone. According to the video, areas within 5 kilometers of the epicenter, including the City of London, Camden Town, Kensington, and Brixton, would suffer the most severe destruction.

The commentary provides grim estimates of the potential loss of life, suggesting that the initial death toll could exceed 250,000 people, with around 600,000 injured within a 10-kilometer radius. The video claims that radiation would cause third-degree burns within this area, and anything flammable would ignite.

As the simulation progresses, a ticker on the screen tallies the rising number of hypothetical fatalities. The video suggests that an additional 450,000 people could die from burns, injuries, or radiation sickness in the aftermath of the attack, with over a million more traumatized.

Broader Impact and Long-Term Consequences

The Tsargrad TV simulation extends its analysis beyond the immediate blast zone, discussing potential fallout and long-term effects.

It claims that depending on wind conditions, radioactive fallout could spread to areas 5 to 10 kilometers away, potentially affecting regions as far as Essex or Surrey.

The video emphasizes London's vulnerability to such an attack, noting that 11 of the city's 20 hospitals would be within the blast radius. It paints a dire picture of overwhelmed medical facilities unable to cope with the massive influx of victims.

Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, commented on the simulation:

This is not an official statement from the Russian government. We do not endorse or encourage such provocative content. Our focus remains on diplomatic solutions to international tensions.

Russian Media's Nuclear Rhetoric

This is not the first instance of Russian media exploring scenarios of nuclear attacks on Western targets. Earlier this month, other Russian propagandists discussed the idea of using Moscow's Poseidon "superweapon" to create a radioactive tsunami capable of submerging Britain.

Tsargrad TV, controlled by oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, known as the "Orthodox Oligarch" due to his ties to the Russian Orthodox Church, has a history of broadcasting provocative content aligned with Kremlin narratives.

The airing of this simulation comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and Western nations over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of nuclear warfare and the importance of diplomatic efforts to prevent such catastrophic scenarios.

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3 comments on “Pro-Putin Channel Airs Simulated Nuclear Strike on London”

  1. The British had better fire off their nukes if they see on coming at them. As I'am 77 I don't even think about it anymore.

  2. And you know that England would also launch their nukes!! Russia would get burned too! Moscow would be the target of they hit London.

  3. And, the moment he sends "the bomb" to the U.K., he had better run for his bunker because Russia will get the snot kicked out themselves as well. I would remind Putin and those calling for Nukes that NOBODY wins in an exchange.

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