Russian Fighter Jet's Close Call With U.S. F-16 Captured on Video

 October 2, 2024

A recent aerial incident involving Russian and U.S. military aircraft has stirred significant concern among international military communities.

According to Talker News, a Russian Su-35 was reported executing an unsafe proximity maneuver near a U.S. F-16 in the airspace off Alaska.

On September 23, a U.S. Air Force F-16, operating under the direction of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), monitored a Russian Tu-95 bomber.

This surveillance took place within the bounds of the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), a buffer airspace where aircraft identification, location, and control are required in the interest of national security.

Encounter Sparks Tensions

During this operation aimed at intercepting the Russian bomber, a Russian Su-35 conducted a maneuver described as perilous and unprofessional by U.S. officials. This act called into question the safety protocols adhered to by some military pilots in international zones.

The entire event was caught on camera, showcasing the moments when the Russian jet swooped perilously close to the American F-16. Surveillance and military officials have highlighted this incident as a deviation from standard professional conduct expected in military operations.

U.S. Command Reacts to Unprofessional Maneuver

Gen. Gregory Guillot, commander of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command, voiced his concerns about the incident. Before the following quote, NORAD declared their operation, encompassing the intercept, as structured and secure despite tensions.

On Monday (23 Sept), NORAD aircraft flew a safe and disciplined intercept of Russian military aircraft in the Alaskan ADIZ. The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force.

This comment from Gen. Guillot underscores the unexpected nature of the Russian pilot's actions, which diverged starkly from military aviation norms.

Analysis of Aggressive Air Maneuvers

The maneuver by the Russian Su-35 raises several questions about the protocols followed by different nations' air forces when near potential adversaries. Incidents like this can escalate into diplomatic conflicts, straining already delicate international relations.

The robust response from U.S. NORAD leadership also signals a warning to maintain stringent adherence to aerial conduct standards to prevent future risks of confrontation or collisions in international airspace.

While the direct implications of this incident continue to unfold, the video evidence serves as a vital piece of understanding the severity and potential consequences of such maneuvers.


In closing, the intercepted incident on September 23 in the Alaskan ADIZ involving a Russian Su-35 and U.S. F-16 highlights the risks associated with military aircraft interactions and the importance of adhering to international conduct standards. Gen. Gregory Guillot's condemnation of the maneuver as "unsafe" and "unprofessional" reflects the gravity of maintaining order and safety in international airspace.

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