New Mexico Judge Suspended Over Alleged Judicial Misconduct

 October 7, 2024

A judicial scandal unfolds in McKinley County as a local judge finds himself at the center of serious allegations.

KOAT reported that the New Mexico Supreme Court had taken decisive action against a magistrate court judge, suspending him without pay.

Judge Brent Detsoi of McKinley County faces 23 alleged violations of the state's judicial code of conduct, leading to his indefinite removal from the bench. The charges against Judge Detsoi are both numerous and concerning. Among the most serious accusations is the claim that he engaged in discriminatory practices based on race.

It is alleged that Detsoi would inquire about defendants' racial backgrounds during court proceedings, a practice that raises significant ethical questions.

Racial Discrimination Allegations Surface

Perhaps the most troubling of the allegations involves Judge Detsoi's handling of traffic citations. According to the accusations, the judge would dismiss traffic citations for defendants who identified themselves as Native American. This practice, if proven true, would represent a clear violation of judicial impartiality and equal treatment under the law.

The implications of such actions are far-reaching, potentially undermining public trust in the judicial system and raising concerns about systemic bias. It also highlights the complex relationship between the justice system and Native American communities in New Mexico.

These allegations underscore the importance of maintaining ethical standards within the judiciary, especially in areas with diverse populations where cultural sensitivities are paramount.

Violation of Due Process Rights

Another serious allegation against Judge Detsoi involves a violation of a defendant's right to legal representation. The judge is accused of forcing a defendant to stand trial without an attorney present, a clear infringement on the constitutional right to counsel.

This accusation, if substantiated, would represent a fundamental breach of due process rights. The right to legal representation is a cornerstone of the American justice system, designed to ensure fair trials and protect individuals from potential abuses of power.

Such a judge's action not only violates ethical standards but also potentially undermines the integrity of any verdicts reached under these circumstances. It raises questions about other cases that may have been handled similarly and could potentially lead to appeals or reviews of past judgments.

Supreme Court Takes Swift Action

The New Mexico Supreme Court's decision to suspend Judge Detsoi indefinitely and without pay demonstrates the seriousness with which these allegations are being treated. This swift action serves multiple purposes in the judicial system.

Firstly, it ensures that no further potential violations can occur while the investigation is ongoing. This protects both the integrity of the court and the rights of individuals who might appear before Judge Detsoi.

Secondly, it sends a clear message about the standards expected of judges in New Mexico. By taking such decisive action, the Supreme Court reaffirms its commitment to maintaining ethical conduct within the judiciary and holding judges accountable for their actions.


Judge Brent Detsoi's suspension over 23 alleged violations of the judicial code of conduct highlights the need for constant vigilance in maintaining ethical standards within the court system. The accusations of racial discrimination in dismissing traffic citations for Native American defendants and forcing a defendant to stand trial without legal representation are particularly troubling. The New Mexico Supreme Court's swift action in suspending Judge Detsoi indefinitely and without pay underscores the seriousness of these allegations and the commitment to upholding justice in the state.

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