Biden Administration's Weapon Shipment Pause May Boost Hamas: Veteran Warns

 May 13, 2024

Johnny Joey Jones, a Fox News contributor and Marine Corps veteran, has sharply critiqued the Biden administration.

Marine Corps veteran Johnny Joey Jones criticizes Biden's policy, claiming it supports Hamas' strength and accuses Biden of being either 'indecisive or scared' in his actions.

Link to Defense Strategies in Past and Present

During "The Big Weekend Show," Jones conveyed his worries, tracing the administration's current stance back to President Obama's era. Jones pointed out historical hesitations in critical defense decisions involving the U.S., which echoed in today's foreign policy approaches.

He attributed these reflections to Bob Gates, former Secretary of Defense, who has been openly critical of Biden's choices in key military operations, including the stance against the Bin Laden raid.

Jones' commentary deepened as he expressed, "Bob Gates famously put in his memoir that Joe Biden's been wrong on pretty much every defense decision the Obama administration made. So I don't know exactly how you word it more eloquently than that. He opposed the Bin Laden raid and several things that turned out to be victories, small victories for us, on our way to losing that war."

Netanyahu Voices Concerns Over Biden's Decision

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been vocal about the repercussions of the U.S.'s hesitancy to support Israel fully during its military operations against Hamas. According to Netanyahu, this could escalate civilian casualties in Gaza, not reduce them.

The core issue resides in Biden’s specific pledge to withhold key military support if Israeli forces move to invade Rafah, a tactic seen as pivotal in their strategy against Hamas.

As per Johnny Joey Jones, the hesitation shown by the U.S. could potentially empower Hamas, signaling a weakness that might embolden the group and its allies. He fears that this perceived deterrent against the U.S. and its support might ironically strengthen Hamas's resolve rather than diminish it.

Joey Jones Analyzes Israel-Hamas Conflict Dynamics

Jones continued, reviewing the broader ramifications:

I don't know the answer. This may make some people... who may not strongly support Israel, and the antisemitism I see is disgusting, but one thing that some of these people have said that I do agree with is we learned in our war that what's happening in Gaza, no matter how justified, is creating the next generation of Hamas.

Joey Jones argued that halting their current actions won't change what has already occurred. He suggested allowing them to conclude their ongoing conflict and then influence their recovery process would be more effective.

Initiating action now would only highlight divisions and fail to sway the Palestinian people away from supporting Hamas.

The critique from a military perspective unveils deep-seated concerns over the Biden administration's approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Jones's and Netanyahu's remarks shed light on the complexities of war strategies and the consequences of geopolitical decisions.


This thorough review focuses on the crucial aspects of international relations and military strategies. While the Biden administration may believe in its approach, seasoned veterans and foreign leaders question its efficacy and potential fallout. The scenario remains tied to how these policies will unfold soon, impacting regional and global dynamics.

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One comment on “Biden Administration's Weapon Shipment Pause May Boost Hamas: Veteran Warns”

  1. Anyone that craps in his pants shouldn't be listened to. I think we're the only country that hasn't been over thrown by the military or just a coup.

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