Biden Enacts Tough Border Policy as Election Pressure Mounts

 June 4, 2024

Amidst rising political pressures, President Joe Biden is preparing to sign a crucial executive order on immigration.

Daily Mail reported that President Biden intends to enact stringent border control measures via an executive order this week as the 2024 presidential election looms.

Under his administration, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported the apprehension of over 7.8 million migrants at the southern border.

This high volume has prompted President Biden to propose what is considered the most restrictive set of policies in his term. The order aims to cap migrant entries when daily encounters consistently exceed 4,000.

Sharp Criticisms from Republicans Over Border Stance

House Speaker Mike Johnson, along with other Republicans, has vocally criticized President Biden’s proposed plan. They argue that the timing of this announcement, just before the presidential election, paints it more as a tactical maneuver rather than a substantive policy change.

"It's too little too late," stated Johnson, expressing doubts about the timing and efficacy of the executive order.

Despite these challenging accusations, the White House remains firm, suggesting that this order will incorporate elements of a previously failed Senate border deal. The president aims to utilize Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, thereby bypassing congressional approval to expedite the process.

"They did it intentionally; it's had catastrophic effects upon our country that we'll be living with for decades to come," Johnson elaborated on the perceived failures of Biden’s immigration policies.

Biden's Executive Order: A Political Strategy?

Republican representatives, including Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), have echoed this sentiment, labeling the impending action as a mere electoral stratagem. They argue that it fails to divert attention from what they claim are "disastrous" immigration policies under Biden's administration.

Earlier efforts this year to pass a bipartisan border deal in Congress failed, which influenced President Biden’s decision to act independently on this pressing issue.

Congress previously denied the White House's push for expanded presidential authority on border issues, leading to the president's current unilateral approach.

Long-Term Impact of Immigration Under Biden’s Watch

Republicans argue that since January 2021, the Biden administration, including DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, has undertaken 64 actions that they claim have significantly increased border permeability. These actions, they argue, have long-term implications for national security and social cohesion.

With over 20 million illegal immigrants estimated to be residing in the United States, the need for a robust and effective immigration policy is more pressing than ever. This executive order represents an attempt to address these complex challenges through decisive action.

President Biden's drastic move to curb illegal immigration ahead of an election highlights the administration's urgency in handling the issue that resonates deeply with his supporters and detractors.

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