Chinese Warships Detected Near Alaskan Waters

 July 12, 2024

The US Coast Guard observed a group of Chinese naval vessels navigating the Bering Sea.

According to the Daily Mail, four Chinese warships were spotted within the United States' exclusive economic zone, specifically near Alaska.

These vessels operated well within an area that extends up to 200 nautical miles from the shoreline, where the U.S. has exclusive rights to explore and use marine resources.

The initial sighting involved three ships positioned 124 miles north of the Amchitka Pass in the picturesque Aleutian Islands, detected by the vigilant crew aboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Kimball.

A subsequent sighting by a helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak brought the count to four, as they discovered another vessel 84 miles north of the Amukta Pass.

Encounters with Chinese Vessels: A Recurring Concern

These occurrences are part of a continuing pattern of encounters between U.S. and Chinese naval assets. In September 2022, a Chinese guided missile cruiser was in similar proximity, and in September 2021, a fleet was noted almost 50 miles off the Aleutian chain.

Rear Admiral Megan Dean expressed that the vessels adhered to established international maritime rules. "The Chinese naval presence operated under international rules and norms," she confirmed, highlighting a cautious stance towards these foreign operations.

Monitoring Chinese Naval Operations

This incident underscores a larger tableau of maritime freedom and the delicate balance among global naval powers.

The US routinely engages in freedom of navigation operations across disputed waters such as the South China Sea, advocating for uninterrupted access despite conflicting claims, particularly those made by China.

"The Chinese naval presence operated in accordance with international rules and norms," noted Rear Adm. Megan Dean. These patrols serve as a reminder of the ongoing vigilance necessary to maintain sovereignty and peace in international waters.

In a situation where international norms could potentially be tested, Dean highlighted the careful monitoring undertaken by US forces. "We met presence with presence to ensure there were no disruptions to US interests in the maritime environment around Alaska," she elaborated.


To recap, the spotting of four Chinese naval ships by the US Coast Guard off the coast of Alaska marks another chapter in the ongoing narrative of maritime interactions between global powers. These vessels, conducting their maneuvers within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, adhered to international standards as confirmed by US officials.

This occurrence not only demonstrates the strategic awareness of the U.S. Coast Guard but also underscores the complexities of international maritime law and the importance of vigilance in protecting national interests.

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