Ex-Officer Sues Seattle for $20 Million, Alleging Wrongful Termination

 August 8, 2024

In a high-stakes legal battle, former Seattle police officer Daniel Auderer is demanding a significant sum from the city he once served.

Fox News reported that Auderer claims he was wrongfully terminated and seeks $20 million in damages.

The incident that led to his dismissal involved a recorded conversation on bodycam where he appeared to joke following the tragic death of Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old student from Northeastern University.

Kandula lost her life in a collision with a patrol car driven by another officer. Body camera footage released by the Seattle Police Department captured Officer Auderer making insensitive remarks about the victim, suggesting she was "just a regular person" and that compensation could be settled by writing a check for $11,000 because "she was 26 anyway and had limited value."

Tragic Circumstances Breed Controversy

In the wake of the fatal incident, Auderer, who was also a leader in the Seattle Police Officers Guild, found himself at the center of an internal investigation. Auderer argues his dismissal was both an overreaction and partly retaliatory, linked to his union activities.

According to his tort complaint, Auderer is seeking compensation for damages to his reputation, mental anguish, and lost wages, which he estimates at $200,000 annually.

Daniel Auderer has expressed his side of the story forcefully. He stated:

Seattle PD leaked false information concerning wrongfully initiated disciplinary proceedings as well as my personal information. SPD then wrongfully terminated me. This was retaliatory, at least due to my union leadership.

Interim Seattle Police Chief Sue Rahr has publicly defended the decision to terminate Auderer. Rahr highlighted the challenging nature of the case, focusing on the impact of Auderer’s comments regardless of his intent.

Impact Versus Intent: A Legal Dilemma

Chief Rahr’s standpoint emphasizes the broader implications of Auderer’s behavior. "The actions [of] this individual police officer have disgraced the Seattle Police Department and our entire profession, making the job of every police officer more difficult," she remarked.

This case puts a spotlight on the challenges faced by police departments in maintaining public trust while also dealing with internal disputes and disciplinary issues.

In the controversial bodycam footage, Auderer was recorded remarking about settling the incident with money, noting the victim's age and purportedly assessing her life's value crudely.

A Giant Legal Battle Ahead

The legal ramifications of this case are immense, not only for the individuals directly involved but also for the city of Seattle. It raises crucial questions about how law enforcement officers are held accountable and the measures put in place to protect civil rights and ensure justice.

As the case unfolds, it will undoubtedly continue to attract attention from the media, law enforcement professionals, and civil rights advocates alike.

Daniel Auderer’s lawsuit marks another significant moment in the ongoing discourse about accountability in law enforcement. His claim that his comments were taken out of context will be a primary aspect of his legal strategy seeking redress and reinstatement.


The wrongful termination case of Daniel Auderer poses complex challenges about intent, impact, and appropriate responses in highly sensitive situations. This case reiterates the delicate balance required in maintaining discipline within police ranks while ensuring justice is done, highlighting the heavy responsibilities carried by those in leadership in upholding integrity within the force. Interim Chief Sue Rahr and Daniel Auderer stand firm in their perspectives, setting the stage for a contentious legal battle that many will closely watch.

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