House Report Exposes Biden's Migrant Programs as Deportation Barriers

 July 8, 2024

A surprising release from the House Judiciary Committee has raised significant concerns.

The committee's report claims that two social service programs for migrants effectively prevent deportations.

Through the Young Adult Case Management Program (YACMP) and the Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP), migrants receive extensive social services instead of supervision and tracking typically in deportation cases, Breitbart News reported.

These programs are said to circumvent the more stringent measures of the Department of Homeland Security’s Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP), which employs GPS and facial recognition technology.

The ISAP’s design to closely monitor migrants awaiting deportation contrasts sharply with the newer, more lenient initiatives. As a result, many enrolled in these new programs are not being subjected to the vigilance previously prescribed by ISAP.

Detailed Examination: Migrant Program Enrollments and Outcomes

Statistics show a telling contrast in the effectiveness of these programs. Since the inception of YACMP, over 6,500 individuals have enrolled, yet less than 0.3% have been deported or self-deported. This includes several hundred who were non-compliant with program mandates. CMPP's figures are even more striking, with close to 340 migrants enrolled—including nearly 100 single adults—without a single deportation reported.

These findings suggest a significant reduction in deportations—an outcome that might please advocates for migrants' rights but raises alarms elsewhere. Though humanitarian, the intention behind these programs could be perceived as undermining the objectives of more rigorous immigration controls.

A key player in these policy shifts is Claire Trickler-McNulty, a former top official with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and now a senior counselor at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Her past association with KIND, an organization supported by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, and her current influence over these programs have been the subject of intense scrutiny and criticism.

RJ Hauman's Critique Highlights Administrative Concerns

According to RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), Claire Trickler-McNulty is deepening the complexities of immigration enforcement. Hauman asserts her involvement in these policy changes is especially troubling given her history and the lack of transparency in their implantation.

RJ Hauman stated:

Claire Trickler-McNulty is one of the most dangerous Alejandro Mayorkas underlings lurking in the shadows as part of a calculated effort to gut immigration enforcement. Her fingerprints were all over it if it was a radical ICE decision or program. The fact that she is returning to ICE even though her program evaluation office was rightfully scrapped is highly alarming. Republicans on Capitol Hill must demand answers — and fast.

This stern criticism reflects broader anxieties over the direction of U.S. immigration policy, particularly how certain programs might impede rather than facilitate enforcement measures designed to uphold the law.

The oversight and efficacy of programs like YACMP and CMPP are crucial for balancing the humanitarian needs of migrants with the enforcement of immigration laws. The contrasting priorities present a complex challenge, showcasing different facets of the immigration debate in the United States.


The House Judiciary Committee’s interim report has stirred considerable debate about the efficacy and intention behind the Biden administration’s migration-focused social service programs. With the revelations about reduced deportations under YACMP and CMPP and Claire Trickler-McNulty’s pivotal role, the discourse on immigration is likely to intensify. As policy and enforcement become increasingly intertwined with humanitarian concerns, the outcomes of such programs will warrant close monitoring and robust debate.

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