Iran's Plot To Assassinate Trump Reflects Its Global Terror Ambitions

 July 18, 2024

Fox News reported that Iran has been implicated in plotting to kill former U.S. President Donald Trump and other officials in retaliation for the 2020 killing of General Qassem Soleimani.

The unfolding story of the Iranian government’s alleged assassination plans against former U.S. President Donald Trump casts a troubling shadow over international diplomacy. These accusations typically reflect drawn-out tensions that escalated following the controversial drone strike by the U.S. on January 3, 2020, that killed prominent Iranian military figure Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.

Soleimani, recognized as a powerful architect in the Iranian military's expansive reach, was directly tied to the deaths of over 600 U.S. military personnel. The strike, authorized by Trump, would lead to serious repercussions, including direct threats from Iranian officials targeting U.S. leaders responsible for the attack.

Increasing Tensions Between U.S. and Iran

Following the assassination of Soleimani, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, apparently sanctioned plans to also target former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. These threats were not taken lightly by U.S. national security, with multiple sources confirming the expansive nature of Iran's strategies.

The plots, seemingly using a diverse range of proxies and lone wolves, indicate Iran's continued funding and coordination of international terror acts, a strategy extending over four decades.

The governments of Iran and the U.S. have been locked in a precarious standoff, with both countries issuing stern warnings and defensive postures.

One particularly chilling manifestation of these strategies surfaced in an animation video uploaded in 2022 on a forum linked to Khamenei. The video depicted the hypothetical assassination of Trump, underscoring the depth of Iran’s animosity towards the former President.

Widespread Iranian Threats and International Response

Iran's hostile intentions appeared to involve more than just threats against political figures. In 2021, charges were filed against individuals purportedly planning to kidnap and assassinate Iranian American dissident Masih Alinejad. Such actions highlight the global dimensions of Iran’s shadowy operational tactics.

Furthermore, General Kenneth McKenzie became another high-profile target reported in 2023, showing that Iran’s list of targets could extend beyond those directly involved in Soleimani’s killing. Many in the U.S. defense and intelligence communities have aired grave concerns, prompting discussions on an appropriate U.S. government response.

Claims from U.S. organizations like United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) suggest that American deterrence may have eroded to a point where Iran feels emboldened to target high-ranking officials openly. The accusation leveraging a military and judicial lens reflects the gravity of the situation.

Public Pronouncements and Denials

Public declarations by Iranian military leaders, such as those by General Amirali Hajizadeh, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ aerospace unit, have explicitly threatened American officials, including Trump, Pompeo, and McKenzie. These pronouncements often echo through the media, amplifying tensions between the two nations.

Despite the intensity of these threats, Iranian authorities officially deny the allegations, framing these accusations as part of a broader political agenda and retorting with legal threats against the U.S. officials involved in Soleimani’s death.

Critics of U.S. policy towards Iran, including figures within UANI, argue that the current geopolitical strategy lacks the firmness required to deter Iran effectively. They view the potential for military retaliation as a necessary stance to protect national security interests and prevent future aggression.


The reported assassination plots by Iran against American leaders have stirred significant debate regarding the adequacy of U.S. responses to threats from Iran. These plots form part of a broader pattern of antagonism and require a calibrated and robust diplomatic, legal, and potentially military response to prevent further escalations. The multifaceted strategy suspected by Iran, involving various operatives across the globe, highlights a critical need for international cooperation to address these risks effectively.

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