Karen Read's Trial Reveals Troubling Texts From Investigating Officer

 June 12, 2024

Details of a murder trial concerning Boston police officer John O'Keefe's death have stunned the courtroom.

Text messages revealed in court show that Massachusetts State Trooper Lt. Michael Proctor derogatorily referred to Karen Read as a 'whack job' and made inappropriate jokes about searching her phone for nude pictures.

According to Daily Mail, Massachusetts State Trooper Lt. Michael Proctor was compelled to share his text messages disparaging Karen Read. This development cast a shadow on the investigation's perceived objectivity.

Karen Read faces charges for allegedly striking her boyfriend, John O'Keefe, with her SUV after a night out drinking and leaving him fatally injured in a snowbank on January 29, 2022.

The incident tragically ended the celebrations over O'Keefe's niece's private school acceptance, during which bar footage captured the couple displaying affection.

Text scandal comes to light highlighting investigation concerns

Nevertheless, issues arose concerning the relationship between Read and O'Keefe, involving accusations of infidelity, which were mooted during the trial.

Lt. Proctor's involvement in an internal investigation due to a potential violation of departmental policies further tainted proceedings. This inquiry delved into his apparent connections to other individuals involved in the case.

Substantial courtroom time was dedicated to discussing Lt. Proctor's relationships, notably his closeness with the Albert family, to whom he had planned to entrust care of his child. Alan Jackson, lead defense attorney, highlighted this tie by saying, "Michael Proctor is so connected to the Alberts that he was entrusting, and willing to entrust, the Alberts to be caregivers for his toddler child."

Concerns about case integrity escalate

Amid these controversies, Lt. Proctor attempted to reassure the public about the validity of the investigative process. However, he erstwhile referred to reading as a 'whack job' in his texts, undermining claims of impartiality.

The courtroom was also privy to testimonies regarding Proctor's derogatory comments about the case and defendants. This compounded challenges to maintaining faith in the investigation's integrity.

In defending Lt. Proctor, his attorney, Michael DiStefano, emphasized that Proctor stands firm in his belief in the integrity of the investigation into Mr. John O'Keefe's death.

Proctor defended his own remarks by asserting that the juvenile and unprofessional comments did not affect the facts, evidence, or integrity of the investigation.

The defense paints a different picture

Meanwhile, the defense posited that the police misdirected their investigation, suggesting that O'Keefe's injuries could have been caused by a beating he received at a party and that the authorities framed Read.

In court, these arguments, combined with the disputed evidence and the investigator's compromised position, urged jurors to reconsider the straightforward narrative initially presented by the prosecution.

As the case unfolds, its complexities and the shadows over investigative practices provide much to ponder. The considerable public interest in the proceedings underlines the importance of ensuring transparency and fairness in justice, especially when it involves those who serve to protect us.


The murder trial of Karen Read for the death of her boyfriend, John O'Keefe, brings into question not just her actions but also the integrity of the investigation led by Lt. Michael Proctor. As the trial progresses with revelations of personal biases and procedural issues, the search for the truth remains mired in controversy and conflict, raising fundamental concerns about justice and law enforcement accountability.

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