Kim Jong-Un Inspects Flood Devastation Near China Border

 August 2, 2024

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has personally visited the flood-stricken areas along the border with China.

As reported by Metro, Kim Jong Un humorously had to duck to avoid crashing into a tree while on a boat surveying North Korean flood areas.

Kim Jong-un traveled to Sinuiju City and Uiju County, where he witnessed the damage first-hand. The floods, resulting from record rainfall, submerged approximately 4,000 homes in these regions.

This visit underscores the gravity of the situation and the immediate attention it demands from the highest levels of leadership.

Extensive Damage and High-Risk Rescue Operations

Considering the intensity of the flooding, immediate rescue operations were necessary. Helicopters were deployed, rescuing at least 5,000 individuals who were trapped by rapidly rising water levels. This kind of prompt and effective action is crucial in mitigating the human toll of such disasters.

The damage spread beyond homes, affecting around 7,400 acres of farmland and numerous public facilities. Roads and buildings were also severely compromised, adding to the immense challenge faced by the recovery teams.

In a striking scene from his visit, Kim Jong-un was seen using various modes of transport to get a comprehensive view of the devastation. He was observed traveling rapidly across the water by boat and taking stock of the situation from his car and even from a luxury Lexus SUV.

Impact Beyond Borders: China Also Suffers

The effect of the flooding was felt across the border in China as well, where the repercussions were deadly. At least 30 people lost their lives due to the floods, with another 35 reported missing. Such transnational impacts highlight the scale and severity of the disaster.

An emergency meeting was convened by the Workers’ Party, led by Kim, spanning two days to strategize the response to this calamity. Subsequent plans included the construction of 4,400 new homes and the reinforcement of embankments in the affected areas.

Kim Jong-un also made it his priority to oversee the distribution of relief materials to the affected populace, ensuring that the immediate needs of the flood victims were addressed.

Kim Jong-un's on-ground actions and orders after the emergency briefing have set a directive for a rigorous rebuild and relief process—an effort that will hopefully mitigate the long-term aftermath of this catastrophic event.


As recovery efforts continue, the construction of numerous new homes and the strengthening of infrastructure are underway, providing a glimmer of hope in the face of such massive adversity.

The dedication to immediate and tangible aid reflects the urgent response required in such situations and the role leadership must play in disaster response.

From airlifting residents to fortifying flood defenses, each measure contributes significantly to the overall recovery and future preparedness. It’s a reminder of the relentless work of first responders and government officials in the face of natural disasters.

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