North Korea To Deploy Military Support To Ukraine, Boosting Russian Forces

 June 28, 2024

An unsettling new alliance forms in the global arena.

North Korea has solidified its alliance with Russia by sending military personnel to support Russian operations in Ukraine following a defense agreement between the two countries.

According to Daily Mail, the decision to dispatch North Korean troops and construction teams comes in the wake of a treaty sealed during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Pyongyang on June 19.

This treaty lays down the signatories' commitment to provide timely military support in the event of conflict, indicating a deepening military collaboration amid ongoing global tensions.

In a move criticized by international observers, North Korea sent 1.6 million artillery shells to Russia between August and January, marking a significant step in military logistics and cooperation. This arsenal is intended to bolster Russian forces amidst their ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Rising Military Tensions and Strategic Movements

North Korean leadership condemned the recent actions by the United States, which included supplying military aid to Ukraine and deploying the Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier in South Korean waters. The presence of the U.S. Navy in such proximity has heightened tensions in the region.

North Korea's venture into occupied Ukrainian territories extends beyond military might, involving construction and engineering brigades previously stationed in China. These teams are anticipated to assist in the reconstruction of war-torn areas.

Footage showing the active engagements between Russian and Ukrainian forces, including tank and missile assaults, was circulated, emphasizing the profound impacts of the conflict, which have drawn international concern.

International Reactions to Military Cooperation

The Government of South Korea, alongside allies the United States and Japan, has expressed strong disapproval of the deepened military ties between North Korea and Russia. Statements issued by these nations call for a cessation of arms cooperation, which they view as further escalating the conflict.

Despite denials from Pyongyang and Moscow regarding any breach of international laws, ongoing arms trades between the two have been condemned by global powers, including Washington and Seoul.

Pak Jong Chon, a high-ranking North Korean military official, stated that Moscow has the "right to choose any form of retaliatory strike" if the United States continues to drive Ukraine into a 'proxy war' against Russia. He warned that this could trigger a more forceful reaction from Moscow and potentially lead to a 'new world war.'

Highlighting the reciprocal visits and engagements, President Putin praised Kim Jong Un for the hospitality extended during his historical visit, stating that it elevated their bilateral ties to new heights.


As the world watches, the military cooperation between North Korea and Russia portends a significant shift in the geopolitical landscape. Analysts warn this might lead to escalated arms trading and fortify anti-U.S. sentiment in both nations as construction and military crews prepare to enter Ukrainian territories.

Monitoring by South Korea’s foreign ministry indicates regional apprehension about these developments, underscoring the complexities of global diplomacy in times of conflict. South Korean, American, and Japanese officials continue to scrutinize and decry these movements, emphasizing the potential for greater global tension.

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