Republican Veteran Lawmakers Challenge Gov. Walz on Military Claims

 August 22, 2024

Fifty Republican members of Congress who are military veterans have written a letter to Democratic vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz, criticizing him for what they call "egregious misrepresentations" of his military service.

The letter, obtained by Politico, demands that Walz "come clean" about his service record. The signatories include staunch supporters of former President Donald Trump and more moderate Republicans from competitive House districts.

This action follows a statement from 18 Democratic military veteran members of Congress who defended Walz's record last week.

Republican Veterans Express Concerns Over Walz's Statements

The letter, written on Trump-Vance campaign letterhead, acknowledges Walz's 24 years of service in the Army National Guard but takes issue with several apparent inconsistencies in his statements about his military experience. The Republican Congress members wrote:

You have stated that you are 'damn proud' of your service, and like any American veteran, you should be. But there is no honor in lying about the nature of your service. You have violated the trust of our brothers and sisters in arms. Their blood, sweat, and sacrifice are the only reason our nation is able to exist. Until you admit you lied to them, there is no way you can be trusted to serve as Vice President.

Senators Joni Ernst of Iowa, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Rick Scott of Florida, and Roger Wicker of Mississippi are among the signatories. From the House, Rep. Brian Mast of Florida, who lost his legs while serving in Afghanistan, tops the list of signatures.

Specific Allegations Against Walz's Military Claims

The letter points to several instances where Walz's statements about his military service have been called into question.

Initially, the Harris campaign referred to Walz as a "retired Command Sergeant Major," a rank he achieved but was later moved down from before retiring in 2005. The campaign has since updated his online biography.

In 2018, Walz made a statement referring to "weapons of war, that I carried in war" when discussing gun violence. However, he did not serve in a combat zone. A Harris spokesperson later clarified that Walz "misspoke" and that he did "handle weapons of war" but not in combat.

Some Trump allies have also accused Walz of leaving his National Guard unit before its deployment to Iraq to run for Congress. However, Walz announced his campaign plans in 2005, months before his unit received a mobilization order.

Walz's Response And Democratic Support

In response to the criticism, a spokesperson for Walz referenced the recent statement from Democratic members of Congress supporting him as a "steadfast advocate for veterans and military families." The campaign also released an open letter featuring signatures of 1,000 military veterans in support of Walz.

Walz himself has vigorously defended his military service, stating:

I'm going to say it again as clearly as I can: I am damn proud of my service to the country. To anyone brave enough to put on that uniform for our great country, including my opponent, I just have a few simple words: Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee has faced similar accusations in the past, including during his 2018 race for governor when a paid letter to the editor alleged that he misrepresented his rank during the campaign.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Tim Walz's military service continues to be a point of contention in the ongoing presidential campaign. While Republican veterans in Congress have called for Walz to clarify his record, Democratic colleagues and other veterans have come to his defense. The debate over Walz's statements about his military experience remains a focal point as the election approaches.

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2 comments on “Republican Veteran Lawmakers Challenge Gov. Walz on Military Claims”

  1. Waltz is a lying sack of S***!!!! He should not be able to qualify for the position of Vice President of The United States! Period!

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