Sniper Vet Questions Assassination Attempt on Trump

 July 15, 2024

A recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has stirred considerable alarm and intrigue.

According to Daily Mail, Dallas Alexander, a former sniper with the Canadian military, commented on the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The incident involved Thomas Matthew Crooks, who fired at Trump from a rooftop using an AR-style rifle during a public rally.

Alexander raised substantial doubts about the official account, asserting that the logistics of Crooks' position suggested internal collusion. Alexander, who served for 14 years and whose team holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill, articulated his skepticism about the feasibility of the assailant's actions without assistance.

Insights From a Veteran Sniper

According to Alexander, Crooks' proximity and clear vantage point were highly improbable without complicit help.

You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within what looked like a couple of hundred yards of that [of the president]. You can't get in that position with a gun when a president is speaking.

Former Secret Service agents shared this view, highlighting the monumental challenge of safeguarding a president during such well-attended events. Indeed, the environment's dynamic nature imposes natural limits on the effectiveness of security details, as they must maintain constant vigilance over numerous potential threats simultaneously.

FBI and Secret Service Under Scrutiny

Despite these concerns, the FBI's preliminary assessment indicated Crooks acted independently. This claim has done little to quell doubts, especially given the subsequent actions of the Secret Service, who killed Crooks during the episode.

The incident has sparked a bipartisan call for an in-depth investigation into the Secret Service's protocols and their decision-making process during and before the event.

Witness accounts and the aftermath have brought President Joe Biden to promise an "independent review on national security" at the rally, intending to publicly disclose the findings and ensure transparency.

Dallas Alexander's assertive commentary on the matter reflects his deep understanding and experience in security matters. "It just doesn't make any sense," he repeatedly stated, voicing a sentiment echoed in discussions about the incident across the nation.

Joseph LaSorsa, another security expert, noted the fortuitous circumstances that prevented a more severe outcome: "The fact that there was a counter-sniper team that took him out is quite fortuitous and very lucky for the country because this could have been a thousand times worse."

Bipartisan Demand for Accountability

The aftermath of the shooting has united political parties in their demand for more stringent scrutiny of security processes involving very important persons (VIPs). The Secret Service, in particular, faces critiques about their readiness and the adequacy of their preventative measures, especially in light of previous refusals to escalate security during Trump's campaign events.

As the community of first responders and law enforcement agencies continues to debate and dissect what occurred, there is a collective acknowledgment of the need for improvements. These changes are imperative not just for the safety of high-profile individuals but also to reassure the public about the effectiveness and integrity of national security measures.


This assassination attempt has exposed potential vulnerabilities in high-profile event security that demand immediate and thorough examination. President Joe Biden's initiative for an independent review aims to shed light on these issues, while experts like Dallas Alexander remind us of the importance of vigilance and the constant pursuit of better security protocols. The dialogue initiated by this shocking incident, bridging political divides and involving various security professionals, is a critical step toward preventing future calamities.

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