Strategic Bridges in Ukraine Offensive Damaged by U.S. Missiles

 August 17, 2024

At a turning point in the ongoing conflict, Ukraine initiated missile attacks on strategic bridges.

According to Newsweek, these assaults included a significant strike on the Crimea Bridge and disrupted a bridge in Kursk, as part of Ukraine's broader offense that began earlier this month.

On the night spanning August 15 and 16, the Crimean (Kerch) Bridge suffered damage due to a barrage of 12 ATACMS missiles. This resulted in a standstill of traffic between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., causing notable disruptions.

Key Bridge in Crimea Sees Major Disruption

The Crimean Bridge, an essential route constructed by Russia between 2016 and 2018, links Russian territory with the annexed region of Crimea across the Kerch Strait.

The assault underscores the bridge's strategic importance, both logistically and symbolically, following its establishment post-2014 annexation.

A separate but equally severe attack was carried out in the Kursk region of Russia. The strike destroyed a bridge over the Seim River within the Glushkovsky district, illustrating the expansive reach of Ukraine's military strategies under its current offensive.

Intense Response by the Ukrainian Air Force

The type of precision in these attacks was highlighted in a video released by the Ukrainian Air Force commander, General Mykola Oleshchuk.

This footage not only demonstrated the capabilities of the Ukrainian military but also likely showcased the advanced weaponry at their disposal, suspected to be from U.S. supplies.

Following the strikes, the Russian government swiftly reacted by establishing a "coordination council" aimed at refining military operations across the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk regions, in response to what they perceived as escalating threats.

Military Strategy and International Concerns

General Christopher Cavoli, during an event at the Council on Foreign Relations, provided insights into the challenges within the Russian military's chain of command. His observations brought to light the disjointed responses characteristic of Russia's current military engagements.

Maria Zakharova of the Russian foreign ministry pointed out that the missiles were likely sourced from Western nations, possibly highlighting international dimensions to the conflict. She stated, "For the first time, the Kursk region was attacked by Western-made rockets, probably American HIMARS."

Amid the growing tensions, concerns regarding the rightful governance of disputed territories continue to surface, as reflected in the comments by Ukraine's foreign ministry regarding the original construction of the Crimean Bridge, "The construction of the Kerch Bridge is another illegal act by the Russian Federation aimed at consolidating the illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea."

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