Surge In Texas UFO Sightings Linked To Starlink Satellites

 August 7, 2024

Residents of a city in Texas have witnessed a sharp rise in UFO sightings recently.

According to Daily Mail, the surge is partly attributed to Elon Musk's Starlink satellites, creating confusion in the night skies.

Many locals initially mistook these celestial intruders for otherworldly visitors. Starlink, developed by SpaceX, comprises approximately 6,000 satellites. These devices aim to provide global internet coverage but have inadvertently cluttered the view above Austin, Texas.

Experts Verify Satellite Intrusions Affect Sightings

Michael Endl, professor of astronomy and physics at Austin Community College, confirmed an increase in visible objects in the night sky. These are often immediately unidentifiable, sparking UFO reports.

"With Starlink and other phenomena up there, you see more and more stuff that you can't explain right away," noted Professor Endl.

Despite the logical explanation of satellite interference, certain sightings remain unexplained, intriguing both experts and enthusiasts. These anomalies persist in baffling observers and are celebrated as genuine mysteries.

Technological Response to Celestial Phenomena

To address this mix of confusion and curiosity, Enigma Labs has launched a new application. This tool is designed to compile and scrutinize data related to these sightings.

The Enigma Labs app allows users to upload detailed reports of their encounters, including photos and location data. These inputs are analyzed to differentiate between commonplace space traffic, like satellites, and bona fide unidentified objects.

Alejandro Rojas, a researcher associated with the app, stresses the importance of data in understanding the UFO phenomena. "One of the things that we've heard from the Pentagon and NASA is that a lot of the issues with this topic are there's not enough data. So that's exactly what we're trying to do is gather more data," he explained.

Community and Skeptic Views on UFO Identification

Special attention has been given to cases like a "small, cylindrical" object zig-zagging over Austin on July 28, 2023, and a peculiar dark object observed floating during a solar eclipse.

I can't remember who saw it first, but we noticed this object directly above us. It felt distinctly weightless, spherical, and kind of amorphous. The texture was almost like a static TV, kind of gaseous, and grayish-black except for a BRIGHT red glow that would flash along one edge, then another, then emanate from the bottom of the object. It was definitely at or above cloud level and was visible until it was way off in the distance, never changing its speed to my perception. We have no idea what this was - not balloons because it was too far and cutting against the wind, definitely not a plane, definitely not a consumer drone.

However, not everyone is convinced about the benefit of such data collection. Robert Shaeffer, a renowned UFO skeptic, criticizes the potential for misinformation. "Since we know that the vast majority of reported UFO sightings are readily explained, and hence of no scientific value, this app encourages the reporting and sharing of low-quality UFO sightings, thus muddying the waters," he argued.

Rojas counters skepticism by emphasizing the importance of thorough investigation. "Once you can't rule things out, that's when you have something anomalous that either deserves more research or can point you in a direction," Alejandro Rojas added.


The increase in UFO sightings in Austin, Texas, is a puzzling phenomenon. Much of this activity is linked to the prevalence of Starlink satellites. However, the creation of the Enigma Labs app aims to sift through these sightings, identifying which are mere satellite misidentifications and which may warrant further investigation into truly unexplained phenomena.

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