U.S. Military Preparedness Against China Questioned In New Congressional Report

 August 2, 2024

A new shadow looms over the United States about its military preparedness.

According to Western Journal, a comprehensive 132-page report from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy paints a stark picture of U.S. vulnerabilities in the face of China's military rise.

After a detailed year-long analysis, the Commission on the National Defense Strategy has raised the alarm with its recent revelation.

Published on Monday, the document discusses at length the considerable advancements made by China in strengthening its military prowess.

China's Strategic Military Advances

Over the past two decades, China has aggressively invested in its military, focusing primarily on its mainland and the expansive Pacific Ocean. These strategic investments have aimed at diminishing the U.S. military's long-standing supremacy in the Western Pacific.

Moreover, the People's Republic has asserted its presence in the South China Sea by claiming territories and significantly bolstering its military infrastructure.

This includes the deployment of sophisticated ship-killing missiles on various islands, a move that underscores the shifting balance of power.

The report states, "The Commission finds that, in many ways, China is outpacing the United States and has largely negated the U.S. military advantage in the Western Pacific through two decades of focused military investment."

Public Awareness and the Wartime Economy

The report does more than just outline military advancements; it also paints a concerning picture of American public awareness, or the lack thereof, concerning the realities of a potential conflict. It suggests that the U.S. populace is largely ignorant of the strength that China's partnerships could bring against them.

The wartime economy realities such as rationing, which most modern U.S. citizens are unacquainted with, are mentioned as likely necessities in the event of conflict. The document warns of the societal shock that could arise should military tensions escalate to an actual conflict.

The following excerpt from the commission's findings elucidates the concern:

The U.S. public is largely unaware of the dangers the United States faces or the costs (financial and otherwise) required to adequately prepare. They do not appreciate the strength of China and its partnerships or the ramifications to daily life if a conflict were to erupt. They are not anticipating disruptions to their power, water, or access to all the goods on which they rely. They have not internalized the costs of the United States losing its position as a world superpower.

The Growing Might of China's Navy

The report particularly highlights China's naval capabilities. It describes a fleet that has not only grown to be the world's largest but also continues to expand at a rate that outpaces the U.S. naval infrastructure. This growth includes both surface ships and submarines, further cementing China's maritime capabilities.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s principal military arm, is undergoing a notable expansion, pushing the nation towards achieving a near-peer or superior military status globally.


The Commission on the National Defense Strategy's report ends with a rallying call for increased awareness and support from the American public, which it describes as crucial in any potential conflict with China. The stark discrepancy between U.S. public perception and military realities defines a critical need for bridging this gap, ensuring preparedness should tensions translate into outright conflict.

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