US and Canada Respond as China and Russia Planes Near Alaska

 July 26, 2024

A tense aerial encounter unfolded near Alaska as US and Canadian jets were deployed in response to foreign military aircraft sightings.

Daily Express reported that four military aircraft, two each from China and Russia, were spotted close to Alaska in international airspace, prompting a swift response from North American defense forces.

The incident occurred on Wednesday and was closely monitored by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which clarified that these maneuvers did not pose an immediate threat.

Nevertheless, the presence of foreign military aircraft so close to North American airspace was taken seriously.

Global Military Dynamics Intensify

NORAD has been vigilant about the increased military presence of Russian and Chinese forces in the North Pacific. The recent encounters are not isolated incidents but part of a pattern of enhanced naval and air capabilities demonstrated by China, alongside Russia’s longstanding military activities in the region.

Earlier in mid-July, the US Coast Guard spotted four Chinese naval vessels operating within the US Exclusive Economic Zone near Alaska. This sighting underscores a noticeable uptick in Chinese maritime operations in an area that is crucial for US national security.

The aircraft involved were within the North American US Air Defense Identification Zone, requiring their identification to maintain security protocols.

NORAD emphasized its commitment to safeguarding the airspace by monitoring and responding to any foreign military presence.

NORAD's Ongoing Vigilance

Mosco has maintained that its military flights, including those by the nuclear-capable Tu-95 bombers, adhere to international norms. These bombers have recently been active, involved in patrolling and deploying conventional missile strikes, as per reports.

The strategic significance of these flights cannot be overstressed, reflecting the broader geopolitical tension between major global powers. As NORAD stated, "NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence," underscoring the successful interception and identification of the aircraft.

President Joe Biden commented on the readiness and collective effort in addressing these threats, "We rose to the moment, we came together and we got it done."


The incident off the coast of Alaska is a clear indication of the rising military assertiveness of both China and Russia in regions close to North American waters. US and Canadian forces remain on high alert, prepared to respond to any potential threats to their territories.

ORAD's proactive stance in these situations ensures that North America's airspace remains secure, demonstrating diligent surveillance and readiness in the face of any foreign military activities. This and global tensions necessitate continued vigilance and operational readiness from all North American defense forces.

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