Vice President Harris Faces Criticism Over Gun Ownership

 October 9, 2024

A recent revelation about Vice President Kamala Harris's personal firearm has sparked controversy and raised questions about potential double standards in gun ownership.

According to the Washington Examiner, Harris disclosed during a 60 Minutes interview that she owns a Glock pistol, which she has possessed for "quite some time."

This admission has led to scrutiny from gun rights advocates and legal experts, who point out that Harris's chosen firearm is classified as an "unsafe handgun" under California law.

Vice President Harris' ownership of a Glock pistol has raised eyebrows, given her past support for strict gun control. In 2013, as California's attorney general, she helped implement a law mandating that new handgun models include microstamping technology, which imprints unique markings on bullet casings, enabling law enforcement to trace them to specific firearms.

California's Strict Gun Laws Raise Questions

Kostas Moros, an attorney representing the California Rifle & Pistol Association, highlighted the apparent contradiction between Harris's gun ownership and California's firearm regulations. Moros noted that all Glock pistols are classified as "unsafe handguns" in California due to their lack of certain required features, including a compliant chamber load indicator and a magazine disconnect mechanism.

The attorney also pointed out that newer Glock models cannot be purchased new in California gun stores, with exceptions made for law enforcement officers and individuals who moved to the state with their firearms. This raises questions about how and when Harris acquired her Glock pistol.

Gun rights organizations have seized on this information to criticize Harris's stance on firearm regulations. They argue that the vice president's ownership of a weapon classified as "unsafe" in her home state undermines her credibility on gun control issues.

Harris's Background And Stance On Gun Ownership

During her 60 Minutes interview, Harris emphasized her background in law enforcement as a context for her gun ownership. As a former district attorney of San Francisco, she would have been legally permitted to purchase and own firearms classified as "unsafe" under California law.

The vice president has stated that she owns the gun for "personal safety" purposes. In a previous interview at a campaign event with Oprah Winfrey, Harris made headlines by asserting that if someone were to break into her home, "they're getting shot."

These statements have been part of a broader effort by Harris's campaign to moderate her position on firearms. Both Harris and her running mate, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, have repeatedly assured voters that they do not intend to "take their guns away."

Political Implications And Ongoing Debate

The controversy surrounding Harris's gun ownership highlights the complex and often contentious nature of the gun control debate in American politics.

While the Democratic Party has generally advocated for stricter gun regulations, particularly in response to mass shootings, the Republican Party and former President Donald Trump have consistently supported gun rights and received backing from organizations like the National Rifle Association.

Harris's campaign has sought to strike a balance between appealing to gun control advocates and reassuring gun owners that their rights will be respected. However, the revelation about her Glock ownership has provided ammunition for critics who accuse her of hypocrisy on the issue.

The debate over Harris's firearm also underscores the patchwork nature of gun laws across the United States, with significant variations between states like California and those with less restrictive regulations.


Vice President Kamala Harris's ownership of a Glock pistol has ignited a debate about gun control policies and political consistency. Her possession of a firearm classified as "unsafe" in California has led to accusations of hypocrisy from gun rights advocates. The controversy highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding gun ownership and regulation in American politics.

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One comment on “Vice President Harris Faces Criticism Over Gun Ownership”

  1. The headline read "RUSSIAN MILITARY INTERCEPTED." However, the story was about Kamala Harris owning a gun. Try a little proofreading before posting articles.

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