Yellowstone Shootout Halts Potential Tragedy On July 4th

 July 12, 2024

Tensions soared at Yellowstone National Park when a gunman, identified as Samson Lucas Bariah Fussner, initiated a violent confrontation.

During the early hours of July 4, a hostage crisis unfolded in Canyon Village led by Fussner, leading to an intense shootout with rangers that culminated in his demise.

Cowboy State Daily reported that Fussner, a contract employee from Florida at the park, escalated tensions by abducting a woman and threatening her life. He also hinted at possible mass shootings beyond the park, prompting a quick response from park law enforcement.

Rapid Response Thwarts Bigger Crisis

Yellowstone’s 911 dispatch center was alerted to this critical hostage circumstance, prompting an immediate and extensive ranger deployment. Over 20 rangers, including specialized teams, responded to secure the area and protect the nearly 200 individuals inside the nearby Canyon Lodge.

With a semi-automatic rifle in hand, Fussner engaged these rangers around the dining hub, leading to the exchange that ultimately ended his life and injured one ranger. This event occurred around 8 a.m., by which time the area had been cordoned off to safeguard the visitors and staff.

The ranger, who sustained injuries to the lower extremity, received prompt medical treatment and was released, confirming that no other visitors were harmed during the incident.

Investigation and Reflection on a Narrow Escape

The NPS, FBI, and local authorities are diligently investigating the shootout to better understand the motives and prevent such incidents in the future. Superintendent Cam Sholly commended the rangers' swift action, emphasizing their role in averting a potential disaster.

Thanks to the heroic actions of our law enforcement rangers, many lives were saved here last Thursday. These rangers immediately confronted this shooter and took decisive action to ensure he was no longer a threat to public safety. We are working now to provide maximum support to those involved and their families. We appreciate the support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, and many other partners as we continue to manage the aftermath of this incident.

In response to the crisis, Xanterra Parks and Resorts, the employer of Fussnyer, issued statements acknowledging the gravity of the situation and expressing gratitude towards the rangers’ quick action. They emphasized their commitment to safety and praised their employees' professionalism and resilience in handling the unforeseen disruption.

This tragic event has highlighted the often under-recognized risks park rangers regularly face and their crucial role in ensuring public safety amidst natural beauty.

Community and Company Acknowledge Heroes

The wider Yellowstone community and visitors have shown immense patience and understanding through the disruptive event and its impact on their holiday plans. Xanterra's focus remains on supporting everyone affected and reinforcing safety measures at the park.

Body camera footage from the shootout is expected to be released soon, providing more clarity on the events that unfolded.

The duty and readiness displayed by the National Park Service rangers have been pivotal. Their actions safeguarded many and highlighted the unpredictable nature of such crises.


The Fourth of July incident at Yellowstone led by Samson Lucas Bariah Fussner involved a hostage situation and threats of extension violence, which were heroically thwarted by park rangers. Their prompt and effective response resulted in Fussner's death and minor injuries to a ranger, ensuring the safety of numerous park visitors. The ongoing investigations by the FBI and NPS aim to glean lessons from this episode to bolster future security protocols.

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