Anti-War Protestors Force Vietnam Veteran Into Hiding, Then He Is Awarded The Medal Of Honor

 July 10, 2022

Gary Beikrich went to college for two years before enlisting in the Army. He joined so he could become a Green Beret. He worked his way through the difficult training to become one of the elite Green Berets.

Beikrich wanted to help other people, so he also went through medic training, then he was sent to Vietnam in 1967 with the 5th Special Forced Group in the Kon Tum Province.

The team's mission was to guard and teach Montagnards tribesmen that were in the region. Working with the tribesmen allowed Gary to go days without speaking any English.

On April 1, 1970, Beikrichs camp was attacked in the early morning hours by the NVA, who brought massive artillery that destroyed the camp. As a result, the forces had many casualties.

Since he had medic training, Beikrich immediately began giving those who were wounded aid. But as he was trying to patch his fellow soldiers up, a 122mm artillery shell touched down by him. Shrapnel from the shell hit Beikrich in the back, giving him a spinal cord concussion.

Beikrich was unable to move. Two of the Montagnards tribesman came to assist him, quickly getting him mobile so that he could help the other injured soldiers. Beikrich did what he could but eventually collapsed.

He was bleeding and was critically wounded. He was loaded into a medevac heading home to the US. He spent time recovering from his wounds before enrolling as a pre-med student in college.

However, he did not stay long due to anti-Vietnam protestors hurling insults. He packed up his van and took off. He wanted a quiet place all to himself where he could be away from all of it.

He set up home in a cave. He received mail at a post office box. When he went to check, he discovered that he would be presented with the Medal of Honor for his brave actions during the raid in Vietnam.

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33 comments on “Anti-War Protestors Force Vietnam Veteran Into Hiding, Then He Is Awarded The Medal Of Honor”

  1. Welcome home brother! I to spent some time in the Kon Tum Province, I was back and forth between Pleiku and Kon Tum. I was there in 1968!

    1. To Gary B and ALL our Nam Vets - -we should offer a "Welcome home, you're right back where you belong"!! Our Nam Vets were treated horribly, by a public that had been spoon-fed PROPAGANDA, by the likes of Swift Boat Kerry and a lying lamestream media propaganda machine. Those who should have been spit on were the draft dodgers (aka slick willy clinton and others) who ran away to Canada and other unknown parts of the world. To all our Nam Vets, the military men and women, who sacrificed so much and suffered immensely, we offer our heartfelt thanks and ask for God's blessings on them and their families.

      1. Our cowards went to Canada. About 40,000 brave Canadians enlisted in the US military. Says more than any words can.

      2. My ex-husband was a Corpsman with the Marines in Khe San. He was hit with shrapnel from a mortar in the chest while attempting to aide a fallen soldier. He survived with loosing one lung and came home. We were stationed at Great Lakes while awaiting an early out in 1968. The sailors were greatly disrespected and it was horrible. Most of them had been drafted but they still fought bravely. I didn't meet too many corpsman who hadn't been wounded. So many had PTSD but we didn't know it at this time. The night terrors when he would wake up screaming and fighting were horrible. When we came home it was very difficult to listen to people talk horribly about the soldiers. Today I see our politicians disrespecting our men again and I don't know how to feel- angry or heartbroken. Thank all of you past, present, and future and God keep you safe.

      3. I never saw combat but l experienced what our brave pilots endured. I thank Jesus for my safety and and every engraved name on that somber black wall that allowed many of us to come home in spite of the emotions displayed
        on our colleges and universities.

  2. When I came home I was told to ware civilian clothing because of protesters. I was still harassed cussed at but when a woman tried to spit on me I put it back in her face. Two of my brothers in arms saved me again that day by getting me out of the area.

    1. My husband served during that time in the USAF as an Air Police but never went to Viet Nam, when he went to join the American Legion he was told they did not want his kind!!! Imagine another Veteran telling a honorable discharged Vet that they did not want his kind!!! So to this day my husband does not want to know any Legionaire or hear from them to join.

      1. I am a member of the AL Auxiliary. I know AL members who are Vietnam Vets. There is a Vietnam Vets support group. He might want to consider that group. You had to have served in Vietnam to qualify for membership.
        There are veterans who judged the soldiers by how they thought of the politics.? ? ? So many forgot the orders come from the top down.
        When handing out poppies around Memorial Day some from that era give us a disdainful look. One who did not serve, someone who skipped to Canada? Their actions says more than they know.

  3. May God bless you and all things about you. Even when self centered humans are blinded by a mirror you were and are still in God's sight , heart.

  4. It is an honor just to hear of your experiences. If anyone deserved that medal, you certainly do. I am of an age where I knew several heroes from that war and remember the cowards that abused those that returned.
    That was the age of the spoiled generation and we are still being abused by them.
    God bless you. Peace my friend.

  5. My son in law was a viet nam vet .when he was in SF he was told NOT to wear his uniform in SF as the locals would attach him.Sf never changes. I am a Korean Navy vet.

  6. Our "justice system" has a long history of protecting special classes of people who have been singled out as victims of discrimination. Why not pass laws protecting members of our armed forces and former members? Aren't our military members and former members just as important as people of color, gays, and other people who have been singled out for discrimination by radical hate groups? By raising the level of the crime and the potential penalties it might cause the hate mongers to pause and reflect before attacking our service members. Just passing laws isn't enough. We must ENFORCE the laws!

  7. Everyone who served during the Vietnam war, were, still ARE, and always will be, HEROES........We all owe them a debt of gratitude.......I, for one, salute them ALL, and thank them ALL, for their service to America.......Especially, a GREEN BERET, who earned the Medal of Honor........he rose above all the others, and performed exemplary, and deserves our thanks for being the HERO he IS, and always will be......

  8. Welcome Home Brother. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. I am sorry that a TRUE HERO has to go through all that crap because he did his job and saved lives. Congratulations for you heavily earned and well deserved award

    1. We’ve had millions of men and Women fight for this country, and dying for it. I myself spent 2 years in Viet Nam in the Army. I also have three brothers that went. We like the Millions of others signed up and fought for this country. I look at how far this country has been destroyed over the past 2 years by Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer, Fauci and Garland and General Milley and other Commie Democrats at all levels of government. I can’t believe they haven’t been arrested and tried for treason! They attack our Freedom of speech and Religion along with our 2nd Amendment rights. They now attack our Supreme Court. They brainwash our children and Military with CRT, a Marxist propaganda doctrine. They don’t enforce our laws. They aide and abet illegal immigrants by providing them with free education, healthcare, housing, lawyers all at taxi payers expense. They lie, cheat and steal to destroy our freedoms and economy. They are trying to turn this country into a Dictatorship. Blue states are already third world country. They operate with impunity. I ask myself everyday. Was my service worth it? These. Are truly dark times for America!

      1. The freedom our military men and women have fought and died for is misunderstood by those who abuse it today. Americans have the freedom to do what's right. That's the freedom our country is all about. It's sad to see what has transpired so quickly this past 2yrs. Our current president and the rest of those unresponders need to leave this country. At the very least the socialist left should already be experiencing life behind bars in a deep dark hole somewhere for what they have intentionally caused to happen. Family and honor, truth and accountability still mean the same thing...the socialist left evidently was never taught those things. God's word and truth will never change and in this we have hope.
        When I meet a vet, law enforcement officer, first responder, I thank them for their service. I'm sure they don't hear it enough. Be strong and of good courage. God bless you.

  9. The deplorable lousy slimy communist bastards that spit on him should have been destroyed instantly

    1. The police in SF were on the side of the protesters, I know -- they hauled me away when I went after one of them who spit on a troop ahead of me.

  10. I was a little girl during that turbulent era.Like most people I wanted peace,but coming from people who survived both world wars and the great depression,I also knew peace comes at a price.Bless this amazing man.

  11. those evil ghoul that spit on you all and called your baby killers seems to become the real baby killers and supporters now with the demon rat party passing laws to encourage killing babies int he womb and now selling parts to China for those evil ghouls to experiment with making bioweapon. thank you for you service and your brave action in Vietnam.

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