U.S. Army Medic Jeffrey A. Conn Singlehandedly Kills More Than A Dozen Terrorists

By Ethan Cole on
 July 23, 2023

U.S. Army Medic Jeffrey A. Conn Singlehandedly Kills More Than A Dozen Terrorists

On October 11th, 2011, Operation Rugged Sarak saw a coalition supply convoy attacked by insurgents. This attack led to the 2-27th Infantry Regiment's Bastard Company taking control of Shal Mountain, with 23 Americans present.

During the following 3 days, U.S. Army Medic Jeffrey A. Conn singlehandedly killed more than a dozen terrorists. His bravery and heroism resulted in 115 enemy fighters being killed and only two US soldiers being lost.

His actions on the mountaintop were remarkable and received recognition from Stars and Stripes, as well as his own Silver Star.

This article will explore the background of Jeffrey A. Conn, the terrorist attack, his heroic actions, the impacts of his bravery, the recognition of his courage, and the lessons learned from his story.

Key Takeaways

  • Jeffrey A. Conn demonstrates exceptional courage and heroism in his actions
  • Conn's actions involve protecting others, including fellow soldiers and innocent civilians
  • Conn's precise marksmanship and quick decision-making skills are crucial in his success
  • Conn's actions receive recognition and praise from his superiors, highlighting the bravery and sacrifices of military personnel.

Jeffrey A. Conn's Background

Jeffrey A. Conn, an Army medic, was awarded a Silver Star for his heroism during the Battle for Shal Mountain in Operation Rugged Sarak in October 2011. He saved the lives of nine U.S. and Afghan soldiers and killed at least twelve insurgents.

Conn's upbringing was characterized by his strong work ethic and dedication to helping those in need. He completed his military training with distinction, and his previous combat experience prepared him for the Battle for Shal Mountain.

Conn was motivated to become a medic due to his strong desire to help others. He was an integral part of the platoon, providing medical care to the wounded, and playing a crucial role in the defence of the southern flank when the enemy attacked.

Conn's selfless and courageous actions, combined with his tactical awareness, enabled him to save the lives of many soldiers and ultimately secure victory for the platoon. On the mountaintop, Conn's heroism was unparalleled, and he was able to prevent further casualties by killing twelve enemy fighters in the course of the battle.

His courageous actions and exemplary leadership earned him the Silver Star and the admiration of his fellow soldiers.

The Terrorist Attack

The insurgents launched a fierce attack on coalition forces on October 11, 2011. On Shal Mountain, U.S. Army medic Jeffrey A. Conn responded to the attack, killing at least twelve insurgents and saving the lives of nine U.S. and Afghan soldiers. Conn and the first platoon of 23 Americans arrived on the mountaintop on October 11 and faced a barrage of machine guns and RPGs.

On October 12, Conn used a mortar tube to repel the enemy and stabilize the southern flank. The enemy launched their strongest attack on October 13, and Conn stabilized the wounded and prevented a flank collapse. He also stabilized a flight medic who later died from a rotor blade strike.

The following day, insurgents sent in suicide bombers which Conn bravely fought off. He treated the wounded and fired mortar rounds to help eliminate the enemy, resulting in the death of 115 insurgents and two US soldiers. Conn was awarded the Silver Star for his heroic and selfless actions. His story was covered by Stars and Stripes, written from the perspective of Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes who was also awarded a Silver Star.

Conn's courage and his ability to make a significant impact in a difficult combat situation serves as a valuable reminder of the importance of individual heroism.

Conn's Heroic Actions

A heroic medic responded to an attack on coalition forces, courageously saving the lives of nine US and Afghan soldiers and eliminating at least twelve insurgents. Spc. Jeffrey A. Conn, an Army medic, was part of the Bastard Company, 2-27th Infantry Regiment, when they decided to take Shal Mountain after numerous insurgent attacks on convoys.

On Oct 11, a total of 23 Americans were on the mountaintop when the enemy attacked, firing machine guns and RPGs. Conn's quick response prevented the southern flank from collapsing.

The enemy launched their strongest attack on Oct 12, but Conn managed to kill twelve fighters with a mortar tube. The next day, Conn stabilized wounded soldiers and prevented another flank collapse. He also stabilized a flight medic, who later died from a rotor blade strike.

Conn continued to treat the wounded and fire mortar rounds on Oct 14, when the enemy sent suicide bombers against the platoon. Thanks to his bravery, combined with the efforts of the rest of the platoon, the suicide bombers were killed and the enemy survivors retreated into Pakistan.

Conn's actions during the Battle for Shal Mountain earned him a Silver Star, and his heroic efforts were documented in Stars and Stripes, which was written from the perspective of Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes, who was also awarded the Silver Star. Conn's courage and heroism had an enormous impact on the battle, which resulted in 115 enemy fighters killed and two US soldiers lost.

Impacts of Conn's Bravery

His bravery during the Battle of Shal Mountain had a monumental impact on its outcome. U.S. Army medic Jeffrey A. Conn singlehandedly killed more than a dozen terrorists, an action which was key in preventing the collapse of the southern flank of the mountain.

The psychological effects were particularly pronounced for the first platoon, which showed signs of traumatic brain injury after the attack on Oct 13.

Strategically, the battle had significant strategic significance, as Shal Mountain was a vital supply route for both coalition forces and insurgent smuggling. The coalition forces' support was also significant, as it enabled a successful defense of the mountaintop.

The battle resulted in 115 enemy casualties, along with two U.S. soldiers lost. The long-term impact of the battle was also significant, as it was covered by Stars and Stripes, and the story of Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes was spread, further inspiring other soldiers. In addition, the battle resulted in the award of a Silver Star to Spc. Jeffrey A. Conn for his heroic actions.

The Battle of Shal Mountain was a decisive victory for the coalition forces, and Conn's bravery was a major factor in its success. His actions were key in preventing the collapse of the mountaintop, and his heroic actions saved the lives of nine U.S. and Afghan soldiers.

The battle was a decisive victory, and Conn's bravery will be long remembered.

Recognition of Conn's Courage

Demonstrating remarkable courage, an individual rose to the occasion to defend an embattled mountaintop from insurgent forces. Jeffrey A. Conn, an Army medic, responded to an attack on a convoy and fought on Shal Mountain as part of the Bastard Company, 2-27th Infantry Regiment.

Conn's bravery, which included preventing southern flank collapse during the battle, was recognized with a Silver Star. His actions had a great impact on the battle, killing at least 12 insurgents and saving the lives of nine US and Afghan soldiers.

Additionally, Conn stabilized injured flight medic and platoon members who were showing signs of traumatic brain injury. His contributions were pivotal in stopping the enemy's strongest attack and in killing suicide bombers, leading to their retreat into Pakistan.

Ultimately, Conn's courage resulted in 115 enemy fighters killed and two US soldiers lost. The battle was covered by Stars and Stripes from the perspective of Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes, who also received a Silver Star for his leadership during the battle.

Conn's display of courage provided a strong example of heroism and gallantry in the face of extreme danger.

Lessons Learned from Conn's Story

The story of Jeffrey A. Conn provides valuable lessons of heroism and gallantry in the face of extreme danger. His actions during the Battle of Shal Mountain in 2011 demonstrate the incredible mental resilience and tactical expertise of a soldier in the face of overwhelming odds. Conn singlehandedly prevented the southern flank of his platoon from collapsing, and his leadership qualities enabled the combined forces to repel the enemy. His combat medic skills were also instrumental in stabilizing the wounded and preventing further casualties.

Teamwork was essential for the success of the mission, as Conn's efforts were bolstered by the other members of the platoon. It was only through their combined efforts that the insurgents were repelled and the mission was a success. The story of Conn also highlights the importance of mental resilience and the ability to stay focused in the most dire of circumstances.

Conn's bravery and skill in the face of overwhelming odds, and the courage of the entire platoon, was an example of the highest level of military heroism and must be remembered and celebrated. It is also a testament to the strength and courage of those who serve, and an example of what can be achieved when individuals come together to achieve a common goal.

This story illustrates the importance of mental resilience, tactical expertise, teamwork, leadership qualities, and combat medic skills in the face of danger. It is an inspiring example of courage and heroism in the face of extreme danger.

Learn More About Jeffrey A. Conn


Conn's actions during Operation Rugged Sarak in 2011 serves as an example of how one person can make a lasting difference in a chaotic situation. His bravery and courage resulted in 115 enemy fighters being killed, and only two US soldiers being lost.

His efforts were recognized in the form of a Silver Star award, and he was covered by Stars and Stripes, as well as Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes, who also received a Silver Star for his leadership.

Conn's story serves as a reminder of the power of courage and resilience in the face of danger. It is an inspirational story of how one individual can make a lasting impact on a chaotic situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many US and Afghan soldiers were saved by Jeffrey A. Conn?

Jeffrey A. Conn's heroic actions in the Battle for Shal Mountain resulted in the saving of nine U.S. and Afghan soldiers, and the killing of at least twelve insurgents. Combat stress and moral injury was alleviated due to his military training and developmental trauma.

What other awards did Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes receive for his leadership during the battle?

Staff Sgt. Anthony Fuentes received a Silver Star for his heroism in leading the platoon during the Battle of Shal Mountain. He was also honored with personal trauma benefits for leading soldiers through intense combat strategy and battlefield tactics.

How many enemy combatants were killed in the battle?

During the Battle for Shal Mountain, Operation Rugged Sarak, the combined efforts of the Bastard Company, 2-27th Infantry Regiment resulted in 115 enemy combatants killed.

What were the effects of the battle on the platoon's mental health?

After the Battle for Shal Mountain, the platoon exhibited signs of traumatic brain injury, PTSD symptoms, and decreased morale. Coping strategies, combat techniques, and medal recognition were used to boost morale and help soldiers cope with the aftermath.

What can be learned from Jeffrey A. Conn's story?

The story of Jeffrey A. Conn demonstrates a miracle of courage, self-sacrifice, and physical stamina. It also highlights the emotional trauma and moral implications of war, providing an important lesson for future generations.

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8 comments on “U.S. Army Medic Jeffrey A. Conn Singlehandedly Kills More Than A Dozen Terrorists”

  1. You can't make this up...what a heroic effort ...and it was on going...a true hero...great, Bravo...makes every American proud!!!!!

  2. I thought the title of the article had poor conutations.
    It should have been, " Heroic Medic Takes out more than a Dozen Taliban."

  3. Blessings on the lives of those who saved the lives of their fellow soldiers, in the Name of our Master Yahusha ("Lord Jesus"), amein & amein!

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