US Embassy Staffer's Wife Targeted by Suspected Sonic Weapon in Georgia

 April 2, 2024

A riveting tale of espionage and unseen battles unfolds as the wife of a US Embassy staffer suffers a severe affliction.

The severe poisoning of a US Embassy staffer's wife in Georgia, attributed to a suspected Russian sonic weapon, unveils tensions and illnesses reminiscent of the Havana syndrome.

On a seemingly ordinary day, October 7, 2021, a distressing incident occurred in Tbilisi, Georgia. The wife of an embassy staffer suddenly collapsed at her home, struggling with symptoms that would later relate her suffering to the notorious Havana syndrome, the Daily Mail reported.

After her collapse, she encountered a mysterious man loitering outside her residence, who was later identified as a Russian intelligence agent.

Foreign Diplomat's Wife in Georgia Suffers Havana Syndrome Symptoms

The woman, who wishes to remain unnamed, moved to Georgia with her diplomat husband in early 2020. Georgian media outlets were quick to highlight her frightening ordeal, stating she was "severely poisoned." Her symptoms, including migraines, hearing loss, and dizziness, are unsettlingly similar to those associated with Havana syndrome.

Investigative reports from The Insider, CBS's 60 Minutes, and Germany's Der Spiegel suggest a disturbing scenario involving Russian military intelligence and the use of sophisticated sonic weapons.

Despite these findings, a US intelligence report seemed to downplay the likelihood of foreign adversary involvement in such incidents.

A Shadow War of Frequencies and Fallout

A particular focus falls on Albert Averyanov, who the affected woman identified. Averyanov, a member of Russia's military intelligence unit 29155, was allegedly involved in this sinister operation. This unit has been under suspicion for using so-called sonic weapons to inflict harm and incapacitate their targets subtly but devastatingly.

Unit 29155's activities, which include employing non-lethal acoustic devices, have been acknowledged through various accolades and promotions within their ranks. Despite this, the Kremlin has steadfastly denied any involvement. Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin's spokesperson, dismissed the allegations as "groundless and unfounded."

This position contrasts starkly with the experiences recounted by victims and investigators. Among those affected is Marc Polymeropoulos, whose career in the CIA was abruptly ended following a similar attack in Moscow. Such incidents force us to question the security of American officials abroad and the silent, invisible threats they face.

An Unseen Assault on Diplomatic Health

Theories regarding the cause of Havana syndrome vary, with some suggesting mass psychogenic illness or stress under intense geopolitical conditions. However, the physical evidence observed in victims tells a different, more frightening story.

Greg Edgreen, a retired army lieutenant colonel and an anonymous Ph.D. source, has openly criticized the underestimation of these threats and the reluctance to confront the possibly grave implications of these assaults. Their testimonies shed light on the severity and inexplicability of the symptoms, which have affected over a thousand Americans around the globe.

This story is not just a tale of one family's nightmare but reflects a broader concern over the safety and well-being of American officials and their families worldwide. The State Department's move to authorize significant compensation under the Havana Act underscores the gravity of these incidents and the commitment to care for those impacted.


The ordeal of the US Embassy staffer's wife in Georgia throws into stark relief the mysterious and troubling phenomenon of Havana syndrome. Suspected to involve Russian military intelligence's use of sonic weapons, these incidents highlight the dangers faced by American diplomats and their families abroad.

Despite denials from the Kremlin and varying theories about the syndrome's origins, the physical symptoms and stories of those affected paint a disturbing picture of espionage and assault on well-being. As investigations continue and compensation is provided to victims, the true scale and intention behind these attacks remain subjects of intense scrutiny and concern.

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