Prince Wafa's Heroic Journey: A Tale of Love and Valor Amidst the Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

By Ethan Cole on
 August 6, 2023

In the throes of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Prince Wafa emerged from the chaos, symbolizing both the harrowing human cost and the incredible resilience of love and duty.

A former interpreter, Wafa found himself in a desperate race against time and a labyrinth of bureaucratic and militant obstacles to rescue his beloved wife. A native of Afghanistan and a staunch ally of the US, Wafa's story is not just one of personal courage, but a testament to the strength of the human spirit when pushed to its limits.

This narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the Biden Administrations botched withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, an event that is now considered one of the worst American wartime withdrawls in history.

Preceding Events

A Fateful Alliance

Prince Wafa began his journey as a young, diligent linguist, dedicating his skills and service to the cause of the United States in Afghanistan.

His loyalty and proficiency earned him a position as an interpreter, a role that formed an indispensable link in the chain of communication between local Afghans and US forces.

This alliance, however, placed a target on his back, making him a potential enemy in the eyes of hostile factions.

The Withdrawal Dilemma

The situation took a grave turn with the decision of President Biden's administration to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan.

This disastrous move led to a power vacuum, filled rapidly by the Taliban. Consequently, the affiliation with the U.S. placed the lives of interpreters like Prince Wafa in immediate danger.

Prince Wafa's Daring Mission

Fear for his wife's safety led Wafa to plead with the State Department to move her case to a safer location like the United Arab Emirates. Yet, the response he received was dishearteningly indifferent. They told him it was unsafe to go to Afghanistan, disregarding his desperate pleas. With no other option, Wafa decided to take matters into his own hands, demonstrating the brave, self-reliant spirit of an American.

By late July 2021, the Taliban's grip on Afghanistan tightened, and Wafa made another plea to the State Department. He urged them to speed up his wife's visa process, but his appeals again fell on deaf ears. Officials claimed no responsibility for her safety, despite her documents stating otherwise. Wafa recognized the severity of the situation and booked a flight to Dubai, intending to reunite with his wife in Afghanistan.

Upon arrival, however, Wafa discovered that civilian flights to and from Kabul had ceased, stranding him in Dubai. But Wafa, now 31, remained undeterred. He was ready to tread dangerous paths, even if it meant going by foot. Disguised as a local Afghan in traditional attire, he crossed the border into Afghanistan, hoping to evade Taliban detection.

Wafa carried his American passport hidden in his backpack, a dangerous token of his close ties with the U.S. "I just hoped that the Taliban wouldn’t search me," he said. Fortunately, they didn't. He showed them his Afghan passport, gaining entry into Afghanistan. His brothers awaited him on the other side of the border, and as soon as he crossed, they swiftly took him to Kabul.

Witnessing the Downfall of Kabul

This daring maneuver allowed Wafa to reunite with his family in Kabul just days before the city fell to the Taliban. Witnessing the collapse of his country, Wafa felt a profound sense of loss, magnified by the abandonment of U.S. citizens like himself. "We were devastated as Biden pulled all American troops out while he claimed that the mission in Afghanistan was successful and accomplished," he lamented. Despite the hardships, Wafa's courage and determination embody the true spirit of an American patriot.

Frequently Asked Questions About Prince Wafa and His Daring Journey to Rescue his Wife

Who is Prince Wafa?

Prince Wafa is an Afghan native who served as an interpreter for the U.S. military in Afghanistan after graduating from high school in 2010. He served until 2014 and then applied for a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), eventually immigrating to the United States. In the U.S., he became a citizen, started a new life in San Diego, and even became the owner of a 7-Eleven store.

Why is Prince Wafa considered a hero?

People consider Prince Wafa a hero because of his courageous efforts to save his wife from Afghanistan during the U.S.'s chaotic withdrawal from the country in 2021. Despite the risks and against the advice of the U.S. State Department, he traveled to Afghanistan, crossing the border on foot, in order to ensure her safety.

What was Prince Wafa's role in the U.S. military?

Prince Wafa served as an interpreter for the U.S. military in Afghanistan from 2010 to 2014. This role, after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, exposed him to danger as the Taliban often targeted those who collaborated with the U.S.

Why did Prince Wafa go back to Afghanistan?

In 2021, Prince Wafa went back to Afghanistan to assist his wife, who couldn't leave because of stalled visa processing. As the Taliban regained control, he risked his life to ensure her safe evacuation from the country.

How did Prince Wafa manage to escape from Afghanistan?

Prince Wafa was able to escape Afghanistan with the help of the Vulnerable Peoples Project (VPP), an NGO. He had been in contact with the founder, Jason Jones, who mobilized support to help Wafa and his wife evacuate the country.

What happened to Prince Wafa after he returned to the United States?

After returning to the United States, Prince Wafa continued to support vulnerable Afghan families through his involvement with the Vulnerable Peoples Project. He directed ground operations and delivered over 3 million meals to Afghan families, including widows and orphans of fallen allies.

What is Prince Wafa's view on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Prince Wafa experienced the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan firsthand and felt disappointed. He saw the country collapse and felt that the U.S. had abandoned many of its citizens, including himself, in the country.

What was Prince Wafa's role during the evacuation process?

Prince Wafa played an active role during the evacuation process, refusing an initial offer to evacuate him and his wife early because he thought it was too expensive. He spent an additional 90 days in hiding until a more cost-effective route opened up. He also volunteered to recon routes to help VPP safely evacuate other Afghan SIVs.

What were the risks faced by Prince Wafa during his journey to Afghanistan?

Prince Wafa faced numerous risks during his journey. As a former Army translator, the Taliban would consider him a traitor. He also risked his life by crossing the border on foot and attempting to blend in with locals to avoid detection.

What is Prince Wafa's view on his journey and the risks he took?

Prince Wafa does not regret the risks he took to save his wife. He believes that men sacrifice their lives for two things — country and family — and if he ever had to risk his life again, he would do so proudly.


The journey of Prince Wafa starkly reminds us of the human cost of geopolitical decisions and testifies to the enduring power of the human spirit. Amidst the debates and critiques of the Afghanistan withdrawal, his story illuminates the personal narratives often overshadowed by the larger political discourse. It is a tale of love, duty, and bravery that transcends political ideologies and speaks to the resilience of the human heart.


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3 comments on “Prince Wafa's Heroic Journey: A Tale of Love and Valor Amidst the Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal”

  1. I am still furious with the Biden Administration for the STUPID, FAILED withdrawal from Afghanistan, against ALL his General's advice. He is an egotistical LIAR. For years I supported 'No One Left Behind: and other brave vet organizations, whose talent and loyalty outweighed the danger, to do what Biden FAILED to do, Save the lives and rescue those left behind.
    Now, we are finding out Biden's ties to China. He is a treasonous bastard. So happy Prince was able to help his wife and others.

  2. I am still furious with the Biden Administration for the STUPID, FAILED withdrawal from Afghanistan, against ALL his General's advice. He is an egotistical LIAR. For years I supported 'No One Left Behind: and other brave vet organizations, whose talent and loyalty outweighed the danger, to do what Biden FAILED to do, Save the lives and rescue those left behind.
    Now, we are finding out Biden's ties to China. He is a treasonous bastard. So happy Prince was able to help his wife and others.

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