Audit Reveals Biden Hospital Preparations Amid Withdrawal From Election

 October 5, 2024

The political landscape was shaken as President Joe Biden called off his campaign event, eventually signaling an end to his re-election journey for 2024 due to a positive coronavirus diagnosis.

According to the New York Post, convolution hit as dispatch recordings unveiled operational strategies for a hospital visit that Biden never made.

In early July, anticipation was high for President Biden’s visit to the University Medical Center and another facility in Las Vegas, as heard on police dispatch. However, instead of hospital visits, the 81-year-old president returned to his home state of Delaware.

President Biden’s health condition stirred action among law enforcement to ensure swift and safe transport to potential medical facilities. Commands blared over police radios, coordinating an elaborate traffic control effort that spanned several major intersections.

While the preparation detailed across Las Vegas was intense, the White House only acknowledged a COVID-19 diagnosis, with no hospital visits confirmed. This raised eyebrows and prompted questions about the transparency and real state of Biden's health.

Internal Coordination Revealed Through Dispatch Audios

Law enforcement personnel were on high alert, captured in dispatch audio prepared under Judicial Watch's review. Police training readied them for a scenario involving the president's urgent care need signaled by a “Code 421,” indicative of sickness or injury.

The involved officers praised each other’s quick response under unforeseen circumstances. Their professionalism and adaptive responses shine through despite uncertain and rapidly changing plans.

For hospitals like the University Medical Center, preparations were hastily made for an eminent presidential visit which never materialized. Scott Kerbs, a representative from the hospital, confirmed the flurry of prep activity based on advanced notifications.

Officials Respond to Public Concerns

The unfolding situation surrounding President Biden's health during the critical days of his campaign draws attention to standard protocols that are less publicly known. According to Andrew Bates, a deputy press secretary, the standby measures for hospitals during presidential travels are usual practice.

The situation escalated to include a statement from Dr. Kevin O'Connor, who disclosed that President Biden felt well enough at the beginning of his day. However, worsening symptoms led to a COVID-19 test, which came back positive.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch channeled the sentiment of puzzled onlookers when he commented on the ordeal. He highlighted the discrepancies and need for clarity concerning the information relayed to the public versus the preparations discussed among internal mechanisms of law and health departments.

Tom Fitton elaborated, “Significant questions about whether the American people were told the full truth about President Biden’s health status. The preparation level and the urgent responsiveness exhibited by the dispatch audios tell a differing story from the one publicized in official statements.”

In a reverberation of health protocols, combined with political need, the preparedness by the police amidst President Biden's unexpected itinerary shift offers a commendable glimpse into the responsive nature of our first responders. Their readiness to adapt deserves recognition, reinforcing the safety nets ingrained within our systems meant to protect even the highest office.


While the initial focus centered on President Biden's abrupt withdrawal from his campaign due to a COVID-19 infection, the depth of the narrative expanded through revealed communications about hospital preparations. The audio and the reactions they spawned encapsulate the complex interplay between presidential health crises and public information. Ultimately, this episode may set precedents for how similar situations are handled in the future, under the scrutiny of an ever-watchful public eye.

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