Two Dead, Ten Injured in Stabbing Rampage at Elementary School in Jiangxi, China

 May 20, 2024

A midday knife attack at Wufang Mingde Elementary School in Guixi City, Jiangxi province, left two dead and ten injured.

Daily Mail reported that the assailant, identified as 45-year-old Pan, wielded a fruit knife during the assault. Local police swiftly apprehended her, and she is now in custody as the investigation continues.

Community and parents shaken by unexpected violence

The incident unfolded around noon, disrupting what had been an ordinary school day. The rapid response from the school staff was crucial in managing the situation and securing the students.

Among the injured, ten individuals were rushed to local hospitals; four were treated for non-life-threatening injuries, while six sustained minor scratches.

This tragic event is the latest in a string of violent attacks on educational institutions in China, a distressing pattern that has seen an increase in recent years.

Stabbings highlight security concerns in schools

China’s strict gun laws mean that firearms are rare, but knife attacks have been a recurring issue. Since 2010, there have been at least 17 incidents involving knives in schools, with a disturbing uptick observed from 2018 to 2023.

The uncertainty regarding the victims’ identities has left the community anxious, and authorities have not confirmed if any children were among those deceased. The local area is tense as families seek information and reassurance.

Reactions from the community reflect deep concern and apprehension about safety in what should be secure environments for children. One father articulated the community's fear: "Of course, we are scared. It's not just the children; even we adults are very frightened."

Locked gates and worried parents

In the aftermath, parents expressed discontent with the school's communication. An anonymous parent shared their turmoil upon receiving the distressing news:

I received the news at noon, and I was very shocked. My child is in the fifth grade and very young and has safely arrived home, but the school has not informed us of anything and has kept everything hidden. I am going back to comfort my child and to find out what exactly happened.

The sense of shock and eagerness for answers is palpable among the families affected. The priority for many is now to provide comfort and support to their children in the wake of such a traumatic event.

Authorities continue to investigate school violence

As the investigation proceeds, the motives behind this heinous act remain unclear. The concern extends beyond Guixi to other regions in China, prompting calls for enhanced security measures and protocols in schools nationwide.

This recent tragedy has not only highlighted the immediate need for rigorous security but also the broader, more unsettling trend of violence in educational settings that demands urgent attention and action from authorities.


The knife attack at Wufang Mingde Elementary School is a grim reminder of the vulnerabilities in school security. With two fatalities and numerous injuries, the incident has galvanized fear and concern amongst parents and highlighted the pressing need for enhanced protective measures in schools across China. As the community begins to heal, the focus turns towards preventing future tragedies and ensuring the safety of all students.

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