Air Force Employee's Narrow Escape: Wife Admits to Poisoning

 April 11, 2024

In a chilling turn of events that reads like a crime thriller, Melody Felicano Johnson has confessed to the attempted murder of her husband, Roby Johnson, a dedicated employee of the US Air Force.

Melody's admission to pouring bleach in her husband's coffee on two occasions surfaced after Roby, suspecting her foul intentions, captured the act on hidden cameras.

According to Daily Mail, authorities took Melody Felicano Johnson into custody in August, facing charges of an audacious attempt to murder her husband. The Johnsons were embroiled in divorce yet continued to share the same roof when these sinister attempts were made.

Johnson's confession in court to the charges of poisoning Roby's beverages on July 11 and July 18 of the preceding year marked a pivotal moment in the case. The gravity of her actions brought her face to face with the possibility of spending up to four years behind bars, although her sentencing on May 10 might reflect the time already served.

The Clever Use of Hidden Cameras

Roby Johnson took his suspicions to another level by installing hidden cameras within their shared home in a move that would ultimately lead to Melody's confession.

The captured footage starkly illustrated Melody transferring bleach to the coffee machine and handling the toxic substance in the laundry room, laying bare the deliberate nature of her actions.

Detecting the altered taste of his coffee as far back as March 2023, Roby sought a swimming pool chemical test kit. The results were alarming, revealing dangerously high chlorine levels and a distinct bleach odor. It was this ingenious method that confirmed his dreadful suspicions.

Amid the unfolding legal proceedings, a presiding judge deemed Melody Johnson a flight risk due to her recent acquisition of property in the Philippines. This assessment adds another layer of complexity to the case, with Melody awaiting further court appearances and decisions on her fate.

Legal Ramifications and Future Proceedings

The indictment that followed was nothing short of severe, with Melody facing charges including first-degree attempted murder, among others. This legal action underscores the gravity of her attempts against her husband, stationed in Germany for work, when the initial symptoms of poisoning manifested.

Through meticulous evidence collection and with footage in hand, Roby Johnson approached law enforcement. The subsequent investigation corroborated his claims, as officials noted the unmistakable scent of bleach emanating from the coffee pot. This objective proof was crucial in Melody's arrest and subsequent legal battles.

Roby's intuition that his wife's sinister motives were driven by a desire to claim his life insurance casts a dark shadow over their marital dissolution. This case is a stark reminder of how personal grievances can escalate, shedding light on the importance of vigilance and the protective measures individuals might need to take in the face of domestic threats.


Melody Felicano Johnson's guilty plea to poisoning her husband, Roby Johnson, brings a somber conclusion to a saga that highlights the fine line between suspicion and survival. Captured by hidden cameras set up by Roby, her actions reveal a disturbing intent fueled by marital turmoil and financial motives.

As Melody faces the possibility of imprisonment, the significance of Roby's resourcefulness and preemptive measures stands out as a testament to individual resilience against domestic malice. This case, marked by legal pursuits, hidden truths, and a fight for justice, now awaits its final chapter with Melody's sentencing and the ongoing scrutiny of her actions and intentions.

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