Medal Of Honor: Henry Johnson - Wounded 21 Times Defending His Position Against 20 German Troops

 July 18, 2022

When Henry Johnson was tasked with sentry duty in France's Forest of Argonne, he was a little concerned about his and his fellow soldier's inexperience. However, he and Pvt. Needham Roberts were determined to guard the outpost.

However, the German troops weren't going to make it an easy shift. A little more than 20 of them attacked the two men. Johnson was a small man, tipping the scale at 130 pounds and only standing 5 feet, 4 inches.

But, he was able to defend Roberts and himself. Even though he was wounded 21 times during the skirmish, he killed 4 German soldiers and hurt around 20 more.

"There wasn't anything so fine about it. Just fought for my life. A rabbit would have done that." 

Henry Johnson

Harlem Hellfighters

When Johnson first joined the National Guard in 1917, he was placed in Company C, 15th New York Infantry Regiment. Eventually, the all-black unit became the 369th Infantry Regiment.

The soldiers did a lot of monotonous tasks. Often, they unloaded ships, dug latrines, and did other menial tasks. The only thing that saved them from the tasks was orders to assist the French Fourth Army.

While on sentry duty, he heard wire being snipped and cut. He told Roberts to alert the French, but he never made it. He turned back to assist Johnson and was his with a grenade.

Fighting For Their Lives

He was unable to fight but helped by handing grenades to Johnson. He resorted to using his rifle when all the grenades were gone. The rifle cartridge jammed, and Johnson used it as a club.

While fighting for his life, Roberts was trying to avoid capture. Johnson took a bolo knife and stabbed those trying to take Roberts. The Germans were taken aback by the American's aggressiveness and retreated.

After battling the Germans, Johnson was heavily wounded and taken to a field hospital. France gave him the Croix de Guerre with Gold Palm for his heroism. However, his military discharge paperwork did not note his actions or injuries.

He died at 36 years old in 1929. Posthumously he was given a Purple Heart in 1996, in 2002 a Distinguished Service Cross, and in 2015 the Medal of Honor.

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