Berlin Airlift Bomber Pilot Dropped Candy For Kids, Earned Nickname "Candy Bomber"

By Ethan Cole on
 February 25, 2022

When the Soviet blockade in West Berlin stopped supplies from getting in, the Berlin Airlift began. The U.S. and the British RAF flew supplies into the city from June 24, 1948, until May 12, 1949.

Operation Vittles

The two countries flew more than 2.3 tons of supplies in more than 280,000 flights. One of the more notable pilots who participated was Gail S. Halvorsen.

Halvorsen was a private pilot in Utah. At the age of 21, he got his license through the Civil Air Patrol. Halvorsen signed up with the Army Air Force when World War II began.

He was stationed in the South Atlantic flying C-46 and C-47 transport planes. When the war was over, Halvorsen stayed with the Air Force.

He was sent to fly in the Berlin Airlift in July 1948. He flew C-47s and C-54s to the Tempelhof Airport.

Walking The City

One night, after he was done, he walked around the city of Berlin. While he was there, he spoke with some children who were watching the planes come and go.

The kids told him how much they appreciated the drops. Halvorsen appreciated hearing this and shared some gum with the kids, who were beyond excited.

He promised to drop more candy for the children the following day and keep an eye out for his plane.

Candy Drop

Halvorsen made sure to keep his promise. He collected candy from his friends and put them into little handkerchief parachutes.

He dropped candy once a week. Each week the number of children eagerly waiting grew. After three weeks, Gen Willian H. Tunner heard of the drops and made them officially a part of Operation Vittles.

His whole squadron got in on it. They purchased all the candy they could find and packaged them with little parachutes. Once American companies and children heard about the operation, they wanted to donate candy to the operation.

Halvorsen became known in Berlin as "Uncle Wiggly Wings" or "The Chocolate Flier." In the U.S., he was known as "The Candy Bomber." The "Little Vittles" operation dropped more than 46,000 pounds and more than 250,000 parachutes.

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4 comments on “Berlin Airlift Bomber Pilot Dropped Candy For Kids, Earned Nickname "Candy Bomber"”

  1. I very fondly remember,and wasmore than a little proud as a little boy in a U.S.A. that had just come off rationing due to WW2, we very young school kids knew the joy a simple candy bar could bring to a child. Halvorsen was a national hero to ALL children in the U.S.A.. I am 79 years old now, but that wonderful ,kind pilot will always have a warm place in my heart!

  2. Love this story, it’s wonderful to see such kindness, especially to children who are being traumatized in a war zone …Thank you for sharing this very uplifting story ❤️

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