Border Patrol Memo Exposes Reality Post Biden's Order on Migrant Entries

 June 10, 2024

A Border Patrol memo has disclosed that agents in San Diego were instructed to allow specific groups of migrants to pass freely despite President Biden's executive order aimed at tightening controls. 

Daily Mail reported that the memo directs the San Diego Border Patrol to permit the entry of single adult migrants from a majority of Eastern Hemisphere nations.

Published by the Washington Examiner, the memo emerged following an executive order from President Biden intended to tighten asylum claims among migrants.

This directive exempts nationals from Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan from release into U.S. communities.

These exclusions highlight challenges with deportations to certain Eastern Hemisphere countries deemed non-cooperative. Anna Giaritelli, from the Washington Examiner, brought these developments to light on June 7, 2024:

MAJOR SCOOP: Border Patrol agents in southern California have been instructed to admit migrants from all but 6 of the 100+ countries in the eastern hemisphere.

President Biden clarifies the use of executive powers at the border

President Biden has utilized his executive powers to reshape how border control and the asylum process are managed, particularly in response to uncooperative nations. "using executive authorities available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border," he remarked, emphasizing his proactive approach to immigration challenges.

The administration's strategy includes turning back migrants who cross illegally once the threshold of 2,500 illegal border crossings per day is sustained for a week.

However, exceptions under this order are maintained for specific vulnerable groups such as unaccompanied minors and severe trafficking victims.

The Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Justice (DOJ) are discussing refining the asylum claim standards.

Border challenges persist despite new policy implementations

The DHS continually faces difficulties in deporting migrants from certain Eastern Hemisphere nations, an issue compounded by the sheer volume of individuals from these areas arriving in San Diego.

The non-cooperativity of these countries in accepting deportations has significantly shaped the recent guidelines issued to Border Patrol agents.

This operational tweak necessitates a balancing act between the enforcement of federal immigration laws and the practical challenges of managing migrant flows effectively. Guardians of our borders remain on the frontline, interpreting and implementing policies that directly affect countless lives while ensuring national security and public safety.


Maintaining secure borders while handling the humanitarian aspects of migration poses a complex challenge. The recent memo to the Border Patrol in San Diego exemplifies the ongoing struggle to implement effective and humane immigration policies amidst logistical and international cooperation obstacles. This development reflects a broader narrative of seeking a balance between strict border enforcement and the need to manage asylum claims judiciously, underlined by President Biden's use of executive orders to address such pressing issues.

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