DOJ Withholds Biden Interview Audio, Citing Deepfake Concerns

 June 3, 2024

The DOJ refuses to release audio of President Biden's interview with the Special Counsel, citing concerns that genuine audio would encourage the creation of fake AI versions.

According to Daily Mail, President Biden has invoked executive privilege to keep the recording confidential, following descriptions of him as an "elderly man with a poor memory" during the classified documents investigation.

The decision on whether the audio will be made public now rests with the courts.

Concerns Over Biden's Memory Lapses Amidst Deepfake Fears

The transcript from this withheld interview reveals several instances where Biden struggled to recall important details. He could not remember pivotal dates, such as the year his son passed away or the year former President Donald Trump was elected, indicating potential memory lapses.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer suggests that releasing this recording could lead to its manipulation, which might distort public perception. He expressed concerns about the potential creation and distribution of "deepfake" versions, which could misrepresent the original audio.

Some Republican politicians have seized on these developments. They argue that the audio could confirm their suspicions about Biden's suitability for office. House Speaker Mike Johnson said, "President Biden is afraid for the citizens of this country and everyone to hear those tapes."

DOJ Standoff With Congress Over Biden Audio Intensifies

However, despite the clamor, President Biden and the DOJ remain steadfast in their refusal to release the audio. This has led to a clash with congressional committees that argue that the public has a right to full transparency.

Special Counsel Robert Hur, who was appointed last January, noted in his report that Biden portrays himself as a forgetful, elderly man. In the statement, Hur said:

At trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.

Hur's investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents revealed worrying signs. Classified materials were found in a damaged box at Biden's residence and under a printer, suggesting a lackadaisical approach to securing sensitive information.

Biden's Sympathetic Demeanor Could Influence Jury Verdict

But, despite identifying this evidence, Hur concluded that a jury might not convict Biden given his sympathetic, if forgetful, demeanor. This decision has not quelled the controversy or political debates stemming from the findings.

Feeling personally attacked, Biden responded to the release of the transcript by misattribution comments about his deceased son Beau, which added more confusion to an already tense situation.

The political implications of this ongoing saga are immense. As Republicans push for more transparency, the Biden administration's resistance to releasing the audio has only amplified speculations and criticisms.


The withheld interview audio remains pivotal in the discourse surrounding President Joe Biden's capability and integrity. It symbolizes ongoing concerns about transparency, security, and political and legal accountability complexities in modern governance. This case continues to elicit strong opinions from all sides, ensuring the conversation will persist in the public domain.

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