Extensive Fugitive Arrests During Operation North Star

 September 28, 2024

The corridors of justice witnessed a major shakeup as the latest nationwide operation wrapped up successfully.

According to AZ Family, the U.S. Marshals Service, aided by numerous law enforcement partners, apprehended over 3,400 fugitives across various offenses.

From May 10 through September 13 of this year, the initiative dubbed "Operation North Star" saw an extensive collaboration between federal, state, and local law enforcement bodies.

Targeted cities, including Phoenix, played crucial roles in rounding up individuals charged with serious crimes like homicide and assault. Notably, the campaign led to the capture of 216 homicide suspects and 803 individuals implicated in assault cases. Phoenix, an epicenter of this sprawling operation, saw hundreds of arrests.

Impressive Seizures Highlight Operation's Success

Authorities also confiscated a notable amount of contraband, underscoring the operation's broad scope. Across the nation, law enforcement teams seized 534 firearms and over a thousand pounds of illegal drugs, marking a significant blow to criminal enterprises. The weapon and drug seizures spanned across several states including Texas, Alabama, and Missouri, reflecting the operation's expansive reach.

In Arizona alone, the bust included dozens of firearms and hundreds of pounds of drugs, highlighting the state's critical position in the national sweep. Among the drugs, fentanyl was notably predominant, with over 138 pounds and 550,000 pills intercepted, pointing to a serious ongoing public health battle.

Remarkable Coordination Across Law Enforcement Agencies

Attorney General Garland lauded the intricate collaboration and the risks undertaken by all involved:

“From May to September of this year, the U.S. Marshals Service worked with state and local law enforcement partners in 10 metropolitan areas to arrest more than 3,400 fugitives and violent offenders and seize large quantities of firearms and fentanyl. I am deeply grateful to every Deputy U.S. Marshal, Task Force Officer, investigator, and police officer who carried out these arrests, and who did so at great risk to themselves,”

The operation's planning and execution involved a variety of task forces, highlighting an exemplary teamwork model in law enforcement. The broad array of agencies involved, including local police forces from cities like Chandler, Glendale, Mesa, and Tempe, underpins a robust network aiming to curb violent crime.

Community Safety and Public Health at the Forefront

The removal of such a significant number of firearms and drugs not only disrupts criminal activity but also plays a substantial role in enhancing community safety. The focused efforts in Phoenix targeted violent fugitives, bringing relief to communities burdened by crime and violence. The success in Arizona reflects a growing trend of targeted law enforcement interventions aimed at making streets safer.

With cash seizures totaling over $508,000, the financial underpinnings of criminal networks were also significantly disrupted. This financial aspect provides insight into the economic scale of crime networks that law enforcement is actively dismantling.

Anticipated Updates in Upcoming Press Conference

A press conference has been scheduled for the upcoming Tuesday at 3 p.m. High-profile speakers, including Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell and Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan, are slated to provide further insights and updates on the operation's outcomes. Assistant chiefs from other involved cities will also be present, illustrating the collective effort and solidarity across jurisdictions.


Operation North Star has underscored the enduring commitment of law enforcement agencies to public safety and justice. This significant initiative, spanning several months and involving multiple agencies, managed to arrest thousands of fugitives, seize an array of weapons, and remove a considerable quantity of illegal drugs from communities.

The forthcoming press conference is expected to shed more light on both the successes and the ongoing challenges in law enforcement's battle against crime and violence.

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