Firefighters Hear Screams From Burning Building, Rappel From Roof To Perform Rescue

By Ethan Cole on
 October 1, 2020

Firefighters often risk their lives to save others. Fortunately, most love their job. They live to serve and render aid to those in need. Generally, they don't see what they do as being high risk.

When it comes down to it, they are heroes. They run into situations most would do anything to avoid. They go where others won't or can't.

Recently, a fire started on the 5th floor of a six story apartment complex trapped several people on the top floor. Firefighters leapt into action to save anyone they could. One firefighter rescued a 5 year old straight from her grandmothers arms. Another entered the apartments and evacuated several people trapped inside. Most notably, a fireman repelled down the side of the building and a rescued resident about to jump.

In these situations, there is no time for fear. There is a job to do. Firefighters and first responders generally disregard personal risk. In fact, they are heroes, but rarely think of themselves as such.

Fortunately, most communities support the men and women who walk thin lines between order and chaos. We stand with them because they stand for others!

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