Florida Paramedic Dismissed After Fatal Medical Errors

 October 5, 2024

Kyle Oberst, a former paramedic from Ponce Inlet, faced dismissal following serious medical errors.

According to Yahoo! News, a 52-page investigative report details multiple incidents where Kyle Oberst's actions as a paramedic led to patient harm, culminating in his termination.

The small town of Ponce Inlet, Florida, has been under scrutiny after allegations arose concerning its fire department's practices and personnel, specifically targeting the medical interventions carried out by Oberst.

Detailed Report Exposes Medical Mistakes

DSK Law was commissioned by the City of Ponce Inlet to compile a report after internal complaints, which became a focal point for examining Oberst's practice as both a firefighter and a paramedic. His tenure lasted six years before the troubling events unfolded.

The report chillingly includes admissions from Oberst's colleagues, citing a fatal error in administering the wrong medication to a patient.

Lasix, a diuretic, was administered instead of the correct drug, leading to adverse effects and the patient's death, which Oberst failed to report accurately to the hospital.

Additionally, another grave oversight was noted when Oberst failed to connect a patient to CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), necessary for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, resulting in the patient's severe health decline. This incident indicated a pattern of negligence that could not be overlooked.

Oberst's Professional Crisis and His Decisions

Oberst expressed overwhelming stress and fear of further jeopardizing patient safety, which shifted his career focus solely towards firefighting, abandoning his paramedic duties.

His termination from the Ponce Inlet fire department was a decisive action by city officials in 2021, underlining the serious responsibilities and the essential trust placed in the hands of emergency responders. Although Oberst wanted to continue his firefighting responsibilities, his license as a paramedic could no longer be justified.

Dr. Todd Soard, an authoritative figure in emergency medical services, highlights the critical role of paramedics, distinguishing them significantly from their firefighting counterparts due to the specialized medical responsibilities they bear. He notes:

"Interpreting EKGs, the proper administration of medications, and in-depth patient evaluation training are pillars of paramedic duties, underscoring the higher stakes of their role in medical emergencies."

Moreover, Dr. Soard emphasizes the necessity of continuous oversight by medical directors to ensure that paramedics meet the rigorous demands of their roles and provide safe and effective care.

The City of Ponce Inlet, while actively dealing with the consequences of these events, has refrained from commenting further due to ongoing litigation related to the incidents outlined in the report.


These unfortunate events reiterate the critical importance of training, accountability, and supervision in the field of emergency medical response. Ensuring all personnel are equipped, supported, and held accountable is vital to prevent such tragedies in the future and to protect both patients and emergency responders who are dedicated to this challenging and crucial line of work.

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