Gruesome Discovery on Puebla Highway Shocks Community

 April 9, 2024

A grim finding has shaken the central Mexican city of Puebla to its core.

Inside an abandoned vehicle on a highway, authorities found seven bodies, of which five were decapitated and another completely dismembered, marking a horrific act of violence associated with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

According to Daily Mail, the atrocious discovery was made last Friday, casting a shadow over Puebla, a city until now less embroiled in the cartel violence that plagues other parts of Mexico. The victims' bodies were left inside a car, positioned in such a way that it disrupted the flow of traffic on the city's main ring road, attracting immediate police attention.

Notes left with the bodies, attributed to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, claimed responsibility for the killings. These messages outlined the victims' alleged crimes: involvement in drug trafficking, freight truck robbery, and extortion.

Messages of menace found with victims

Gilberto Higuera, the chief prosecutor of Puebla, conveyed the chilling details found with the deceased. "On each of the bodies, we found handwritten messages written on paper, each one detailing the reason they were killed," he reported. This method of leaving messages is a well-known tactic of drug cartels to spread fear and assert dominance.

Among the deceased was José 'The Shark' Vega, a 37-year-old former police officer turned car wash owner and a Colombian known only as 'El Kevin', believed to be involved in loan sharking. Vega's connection to law enforcement ended in 2013 following his dismissal after a shooting incident, with a subsequent arrest in 2014 for illegal possession of police equipment.

A distressing video circulating on social media showcased a morbid display of five heads placed alongside the road near the vehicle, further intensifying the horror of the incident. This act of brutality signifies the cartel's intention to send a stark warning to those who defy its authority.

Action in the city of angels

Higuera's comments hinted at a deeper conflict within the criminal underworld, indicating that these murders might involve internal disputes or efforts to control certain individuals through fear or coercion. Although he did not clarify further, his words painted a picture of a power struggle masked in violence.

Puebla, known as Mexico's fifth-largest city and a previously tranquil area, has now been thrust into the alarming reality of cartel violence. This incident serves as a somber reminder of the brutality that drug cartels can unleash even in regions not typically associated with such violence.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this tragedy is the deliberate choice of location for this gruesome display. The perpetrators chose a busy highway in a significant urban center, ensuring maximum visibility and impact. It's a method that underscores the cartels' brazenness and their disregard for human life and public safety.

As our community reels from this heinous act, it's crucial to support our first responders, who face the daunting task of addressing the aftermath of such violence. Their role in maintaining public safety and investigating these crimes is indispensable, demonstrating courage and dedication in the face of unimaginable horror.


The discovery of seven mutilated bodies on a Puebla highway - attributed to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel - marks a chilling escalation of cartel violence in an area previously spared such brutality. With messages claiming responsibility for these killings and citing involvement in various crimes, the act is both a display of power and a warning to others.

Among the victims were former police officer José Vega and a Colombian known as 'El Kevin', illustrating the ruthless reach of cartel retribution. This tragedy is a stark reminder of the pervasive threat posed by drug cartels and the vital role of our first responders in combating this menace.

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