Houthi Rebels Release Video Of $30 Million US Drone Shot Down

By Ethan Cole on
 February 22, 2024

The Red Sea region is witnessing an alarming escalation of tensions.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed the downing of a $30 million U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone, a significant event that underscores the growing aggressiveness of the group in the region.

This act is not isolated but part of a concerning pattern of behavior that has seen attacks on commercial shipping, causing widespread disruptions in global trade and prompting a robust military response from the United States and its allies.

The recent incident involves Houthi rebels releasing footage that purportedly shows the moment a surface-to-air missile off the coast of Hodeida brings down a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone. This footage, which captures men retrieving drone debris from the waters, has been confirmed by the Pentagon to represent the loss of a drone valued at $30 million. The significance of this event is heightened by its occurrence near a critical Yemeni port city under Houthi control, emphasizing the strategic implications of such actions.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh confirmed the incident, stating, "The Houthis shot down the $30 million drone." This statement was further corroborated by NewsNation's national correspondent Robert Sherman, who captured the destruction of the drone, a segment that was broadcast on the show "Morning In America." The downing of this drone marks a worrying continuity in Houthi aggression, with a previous MQ-9 loss acknowledged by the Pentagon in November over the Red Sea.

Repeated Attacks Disrupt Global Trade

Since the Houthi seizure of Yemen's north and its capital, Sanaa, in 2014, the United States military has witnessed the loss of at least four drones to rebel shootdowns. These losses, occurring in 2017, 2019, and now, highlight a persistent threat to U.S. surveillance and attack capabilities in the region. The rebels have not limited their aggression to military targets; commercial shipping has also been in their crosshairs.

In a bold move, the Houthis claimed responsibility for an attack on the Sea Champion, a U.S.-owned, Greek-flagged bulk carrier, underscoring the risks to civilian maritime activities.

The UK's Maritime Trade Operations reported that the vessel sustained damage from an explosion, but thankfully, all crew members were safe. This incident and the targeting of the Belize-flagged bulk carrier Rubymar illustrates a deliberate strategy to disrupt key maritime trade routes, affecting global commerce.

Joint airstrikes by the UK and the US have been conducted against the Houthis in a bid to curtail these maritime attacks. Since November, the rebels have increasingly targeted ships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait, ostensibly in response to Israel's offensive in Gaza. This has led to significant disruptions in shipping, with companies opting for longer, more expensive routes to avoid the Red Sea.

Impact on Global Shipping and Response

The consequences of Houthi attacks extend far beyond immediate security concerns, affecting global trade dynamics. Companies are now circumventing the Red Sea, preferring alternative routes that significantly increase transit times and costs. This shift has had a tangible impact on shipping costs, which have surged, leading to potential price increases and shortages of goods in markets far removed from the conflict zone.

The United Kingdom has felt the ripple effects of these disruptions acutely. Spiraling shipping costs, driven by Houthi aggression, threaten to elevate prices and cause shortages of goods like white goods and garden furniture in the UK. The cost of global shipping containers has seen an astronomical rise, jumping over 300 percent from November 2023 to January, a stark indication of the economic fallout from the conflict.

Despite the military might of the United States and its allies, the asymmetry of the conflict is evident. The U.S. has employed expensive missiles to counter relatively inexpensive Houthi weapons believed to be supplied by Iran. This expenditure has not resulted in any U.S. casualties, but the loss of drones and the financial cost of the military response underscore the challenges faced in addressing Houthi provocations.


The downing of a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone by Houthi rebels off the coast of Yemen is a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict's complexities and its broader implications. These actions are not merely regional concerns but have significant implications for global trade and security.

The pattern of Houthi aggression, from drone shootdowns to attacks on commercial shipping, has prompted a concerted military response from the U.S. and its allies.

Despite these efforts, the conflict's asymmetry and the resultant economic impact highlight the enduring challenges of restoring stability in the region. The international community remains watchful, hoping for a resolution that ensures the safety of both military and civilian interests in this strategically vital area.

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