Tet Offensive: Viet Cong Launches Coordinated Attacks

By Ethan Cole on
 December 27, 2023

The Tet Offensive was a surprise military campaign launched by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) against South Vietnamese and US forces during the Vietnam War.

On January 31, 1968, the Viet Cong launched coordinated attacks on cities and military bases throughout South Vietnam, including the US embassy in Saigon.

Despite initial gains, the offensive ultimately failed to achieve its strategic goals and resulted in heavy losses for the Viet Cong and PAVN.

However, it had a profound impact on US public opinion, eroding support for the war and leading to a shift in US policy towards seeking a negotiated end to the conflict.

Attack on US Embassy in Saigon

The US embassy in Saigon during the Tet Offensive was defended by US and South Vietnamese security forces.

The embassy was heavily fortified and had its own security detachment, consisting of US Marines and South Vietnamese soldiers, to defend against potential attacks.

During the attack, these forces engaged in a intense firefight with Viet Cong attackers and attempted to repel the assault and protect the embassy personnel and facilities.

Although they ultimately succeeded in regaining control of the embassy, several US and South Vietnamese personnel were killed or injured in the defense.

Failed Offensive

The Tet Offensive failed to achieve its strategic objectives for several reasons.

Lack of popular support: The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces failed to generate widespread popular support among the South Vietnamese population, who were largely unenthusiastic about their cause.

Superior firepower from the opposition: The US and South Vietnamese forces had superior firepower and technology, which allowed them to quickly regain control of cities and military bases that were initially overrun by the Viet Cong.

Logistical nightmare: The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces suffered from logistical problems, including a shortage of supplies and reinforcements, which limited their ability to sustain their offensive.

Lack of surprise: The surprise factor, which had been a key aspect of the Tet Offensive's planning, was quickly lost as US and South Vietnamese forces rapidly responded to the attacks.

Heavy casualties: The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces suffered heavy casualties during the offensive, which weakened their overall strength and ability to continue the fight.

Despite its failure to achieve its strategic objectives, the Tet Offensive had a profound impact on US public opinion and the direction of the war, as it eroded support for the conflict and led to a shift in US policy towards seeking a negotiated end to the fighting.


The fallout of the Tet Offensive was significant for all sides of the conflict. For the US, the offensive had a profound impact on US public opinion, eroding support for the war and leading to a shift in US policy towards seeking a negotiated end to the conflict.

The offensive also exposed the limitations of US military power and strategy in Vietnam, and led to a rethinking of US tactics in the region.

The offensive was a major blow to the South Vietnamese government and military, which struggled to regain control of cities and military bases that had been overrun by the Viet Cong. The offensive also heightened political tensions and instability in South Vietnam, as the government struggled to maintain control in the aftermath of the attacks.

Despite initial gains, the offensive ultimately resulted in heavy losses for the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces, and weakened their overall strength and ability to continue the fight. However, the offensive was a propaganda victory for the North Vietnamese, as it demonstrated their military capability and commitment to the cause, and boosted their morale.

There was also significant fallout for civilians in Vietnam as a result of the Tet Offensive. Civilians in South Vietnam, who were already suffering from the effects of the ongoing conflict, faced increased danger and hardship as a result of the offensive.

Many civilians were forced to flee their homes and communities as a result of the fighting, leading to widespread displacement and a breakdown of social structures.

Also, many civilians were caught in the crossfire of the offensive and killed or injured as a result of the fighting.

The attacks also disrupted the local economy, as businesses and infrastructure were damaged or destroyed, leading to further hardship for civilians.

Overall, the fallout of the Tet Offensive highlights the devastating impact of war on civilian populations, and underscores the importance of considering the well-being of non-combatants in conflict zones.

In the end, the Tet Offensive contributed to the eventual end of the Vietnam War, as US and South Vietnamese forces were unable to win a decisive victory on the battlefield and both sides ultimately agreed to a negotiated "settlement" in 1973.

Check out this video to learn more about the Tet Offensive and the impact it had on the war in Vietnam.

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One comment on “Tet Offensive: Viet Cong Launches Coordinated Attacks”

  1. I was in Vietnam when the Tet Offensive happened. It was a decisive defeat for the VC and NVA! In most places, we stacked up enemy bodies like cord wood. The VC who were given the "honor" of being the leading troops in the attack ceased to be an effective fighting force after Tet, and the rest of the war was carried out mainly by the NVA. As far as it being a "psychological victory" for the Communist forces, that is only because of the way the American News Media reported on what happened during Tet. By that time, the press had started to turn against American involvement in Vietnam. I was amazed when I came home between tours to find out what people at home thought happened during Tet. I learned something about the News Media, then. If the truth conflicts with what the press thinks the story should be, the truth will never see the light of day. There is no doubt that the offensive was well planned and fairly well executed. However all it proved is that you can attack anywhere at any time during a war, especially if there is supposed to be a cease fire during the holiday season. Tet was a total screw up for the North, and united the South against them. Victory my A$$!!

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