Special Agent Leonard W. Hatton: Legendary Law Enforcement Officer

By Ethan Cole on
 November 12, 2023

Many heroes arose from the tragic events on September 11th, 2001. Civilians, military, and first responders alike stepped up to help in the aftermath of the devastating attacks.

Some even gave their lives in order to save the occupants inside the towers.

FBI Agent

Special Agent Leonard W. Hatton was in the New York Division of the FBI. On September 11, 2001 he was on his way into the office when he saw the World Trade Center on fire.

Instead of heading into work like he was supposed to, he headed straight towards the North Tower. Thinking quickly, he climbed onto the roof of the nearby Marriot Hotel and from there observed the second airplane hit the South Tower.

He took the opportunity to relay reports of what was happening to the New York Field office of the FBI, providing critical information that was vital to rescue operations.

Helping First Responders

Hatton went to assist New York Firefighters in evacuating World Trade Center occupants as debris began to pummel the streets.

With utter disregard for his own safety in the midst of debris, soot and smoke, Hatton got to work. According to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller in a speech, "One man in the building told us that he was guided out by a person who identified himself as a Special Agent of the FBI."

He continued saying, "When they were outside in the clear, he was surprised to see the Agent turning back around. 'Where are you going?' he asked. 'Back into the building' came the Agent's response. That Special Agent, without a doubt, was Lenny Hatton."

Special Agent Hatton was inside the building when it collapsed, trying to save as many as he could.

Heroes like Hatton made all the difference for so many that day, and they will not be forgotten.

Source: FBI & FBI Archives

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31 comments on “Special Agent Leonard W. Hatton: Legendary Law Enforcement Officer”

  1. I FBI Lenny Hatton he lived and grew up in Ridgefield Park, NJ. He left a wife and five children. One of his daughters has down syndrom, his son had a tatoo put on his arm in memory of his dad.

  2. no planes hit the towers--anyone with two neurons left to rub together could figure it out-pre-set explosives in the buildings did it-the planes were a HASTILY done cgi/holograms--hastily done because what everyone SAW looked real but was impossible-people SAW the nose of the plane go THRU the building and come out the other side ALL IN ONE PIECE--that is TOTALLY NOT POSSIBLE unless it was cgi--computer generated images.

    1. I'm with you Pat! No plane hit the Pentagon either, the blood on the hands of those in charge is just mind blowing Their souls are damned for sure

      1. The Pentagon was a rocket, middle or something like that. The entrance of the object did not show the entry point of wings and isn't it strange the tail section was never seen or any part found.. Think logically and you will see "WE WERE ALL LIED TOO." A lot of people lost faith in our Country at that point. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out, "We We're Lied Too!" 😞😕

        1. (Responding to either, Either Greg Harry or Becky Teninty) Landing Gear from the Pentagon plane was outside the building torn off the underside of the wings as it hit the building.. You could see the impact line of the wings on the building as it hit... I'm sure the relatives of those that passed away in that Jet, love your comment. Aluminum melts at 1221 degrees. The temperature was probably around 2000 degrees after impact & explosion, with the fuel burning at 1520 degrees, there wouldn't be much left a jet airliner made out of Aluminum. A Gas line could have been ruptured in the pentagon. We would never have heard about that because of security lockdowns & steps that were taken to ensure the safety of remaining employees. There was also a picture of one of the wing engines. Pretty well destroyed, but clearly visible. Educate yourself before spreading falsehoods on the site

          1. Lol, I read that tire they found from landing gear wasn’t even from the right plane. There’s video of the MISSILE/Rocket coming across the ground at a maybe 100” up parallel w the ground. No plane can do that. It was NOT a Plane that hit the Pentagon, Towers or went down in Somerset. Worse plane crashes still have signs of body parts & plane debris. Nothing at all? Research way more before making any such conclusions as more Conspiracies are proven as Truth than not daily anymore. Time to wake up & stop watching MSM all together.

          2. My brother was watching the attack from his office not far away. You people who believe no planes hit the towers I have to say you all not to bright and I bet democrats.

      2. Many are inclined to believe no planes were involved, or that's what they want to believe. If such is the case, how do we explain ALL the missing planes, passengers and crews?? The plane that nosedived in PA was definitely "real". Granted, evidence and photos, from the Pentagon, clearly indicate something "other than" a plane crashed through there. In my mind, "who else" set this up and caused all this death, destruction and havoc? Will we ever really know the answers? How does such "evil" overcome our nation? One that is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic and yet has such a tremendous amount of "deep swamp" grasping greed and envy!

  3. To the Hatton family:

    My heart aches for you. I lost my husband in 2003 quite suddenly, so I have some idea how
    much pain you have been through. I will keep your hero and your heroic family in my prayers. Thank you and God bless you all.

  4. This site was... how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I've found something that helped me. Thanks a lot!

  5. You made some decent points there. I looked on the web to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site.

    1. Yeah....the two above who say there were no planes involved. They were shown live on TV but stupid is as stupid does.

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  7. America came together on 9-11..crony Democrats have destroyed our values & principles along with our nation.....does America need another 9-11 to bring our nation back or a new party?

  8. Thoughts and Prayers! For all who lost there life’s In The 9/11 situation. This young man is a true hero. God will punish all of the individuals involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 incident!

  9. It's a shame Obama and stupid Biden poeticized the agency so badly and so deeply. They were once revered and respected. Now they're a pariah.

  10. Look at what we had in 2001, now look at what it has become, no resemblance, from great to a crime riden bunch. HEAVEN forbit it stays this .

  11. Yep and you look at the fbi now. No self respect following orders from a socialist 🐽. Doing all kinds of illegal crap. They need to be disband and some need trials and prison time lose pensions Healthcare the whole shebang, just on locking up civilians for j6 alone .

  12. That these scumbag terrorists were able to slip through the cracks….took flight lessons, but only wanted to know how to steer an aircraft, were able to commandeer aircraft without passenger resistance (except for one plane) is much more believable than the aluminum hat conspiracy nonsense.

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