WATCH: German Fighters rip Into B-17 Formation, Tailgunners get to Work

By Ethan Cole on
 August 4, 2023

It’s July 30th 1943 in the skies over Germany and a B-17 named Tondelayo is under attack. In the back is tailgunner Michael L Arooth. Mike, as he is known to the crew, is ready as the German Me-109s and FW190s rip into the formation.

Mike fires away at the mass of German fighters along with the rest of the tailgunners in the 186 Flying fortresses. While 123 P-47 Thunderbolts accompany them, it's not enough to keep the Germans at bay.

The formation was deployed in a massive raid against German factories, the mission is critical and apparently quite deadly.

After getting hit by heavy fire, many of the B-17 crews are forced to bail. Mike refused to give up, and fought on against the Germans and lack of oxygen.

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  1. […] German Fighters rip Into B-17 Formation, Tailgunners get to Work […]

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