West Point Academy Alumni Furious After ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto Is Changed

By Ethan Cole on
 March 15, 2024

The esteemed U.S. Military Academy at West Point has initiated a substantial shift that's stirring discussions within the military sphere.

The Daily Mail reports that the Academy's choice to substitute its traditional motto, "Duty, Honor, Country," with "Army Values" in its mission statement sparks conversations among alumni and veterans.

Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland explains that this change aims to align the Academy with the broader Army while maintaining its core motto.

Tradition and Progress at West Point

Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland told cadets that the decision followed a meticulous review process spanning over a year involving West Point leaders and external stakeholders. The modified mission statement now focuses on producing commissioned leaders of character, dedicating themselves to Army Values, and preparing for a lifetime of service. However, this transition, meant to strengthen ties to the broader Army ethos, has not been without its critics.

Accusations have emerged suggesting that the changes at West Point are a concession to progressive ideologies, potentially eroding the distinctiveness and traditions of military service.

The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates and graduate Meaghan Mobbs have voiced concerns that this shift might dilute the West Point experience and impact recruitment negatively. Such criticisms underscore a broader discourse on the challenges facing military recruitment and the implications of politicization within the armed forces.

West Point's Mission Evolution Sparks Debate and Reflection

Introduced officially to the Academy in 1998 but echoing the sentiment of Gen. Douglas MacArthur's famous 1962 speech, the phrase "Duty, Honor, Country" has been a guiding principle for generations at West Point. The previous mission statement, now replaced, highlighted graduates' commitment to these core values, suggesting a profound connection between West Point cadets' ideals and identity.

It is worth noting that the West Point mission statement has seen changes before; this marks the ninth modification. Such revisions, while reflecting evolving priorities and challenges, also prompt a reassessment of what constitutes the essence of the West Point experience. Both supporters and critics of the change contribute to an ongoing dialogue about how best to prepare leaders for the complexities of modern military service.

Concerns regarding the influence of the broader political context on military institutions have become intertwined with the debate over West Point’s mission statement. Critics argue that the focus on diversity, equality, and inclusion, purportedly at the behest of the Biden administration, could be impacting the military's ability to recruit and retain personnel effectively.

Addressing a Broader Recruitment Crisis

The backdrop of this discourse includes the Army grappling with a notable recruitment shortfall. Lt. Gen. Xavier Brunson's remarks on the challenges posed by potential recruits' physical and criminal qualifications highlight the broader issue of readiness and the pool of individuals available for military service.

The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates commented:

Like in many great institutions in the United States of America, progressive ideology is eroding at West Point and doing so in a slow but methodical march, co-opting our good intentions through the specter of cultural Marxism. Our adversaries are unscrupulous but sophisticated and very patient.

This criticism, while severe, underscores the tension between maintaining tradition and adapting to new realities. As the military seeks to navigate these challenges, the balance between preserving heritage and embracing change remains a pivotal concern.

Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland assures that the essence of West Point remains unchanged, emphasizing the continued relevance of "Duty, Honor, Country" to the Academy's identity. As stated by Gilland, the overarching goal is to produce leaders who embody the Army's values and are prepared to dedicate their lives to the nation's service. This objective reflects an understanding of the evolving demands on military leadership and the importance of integrating broader Army values into the training and development of cadets.


The recent revision of West Point's mission statement, shifting focus from the storied "Duty, Honor, Country" motto to Army values, has sparked debate on maintaining tradition while adapting to meet evolving demands. Though critics raise valid concerns about progressive ideology eroding foundations, supporters argue the changes align cadet training with the broader Army's needs.

At its core, West Point remains dedicated to producing leaders of character prepared for the complexities of modern military service. The discourse reflects larger tensions facing recruitment and the politicization of armed forces. However, West Point must embrace certain changes to fulfill its timeless purpose of preparing cadets to dedicate themselves to serving the nation.

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One comment on “West Point Academy Alumni Furious After ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto Is Changed”

  1. As a young man I joined the Marine Corps. One of the most important thing installed into our young brains was Honor, Duty, to God, Country, Corps and family. These have been the corner stone of my life. I find no better principle to live by.

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