AH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter Delivers Close air Support to Troops in Combat

By Ethan Cole on
 November 11, 2023

This video features footage from the AH-64D Apache attack helicopters that provided close air support during the battle for Patrol Base Kahler on July 13, 2008.

It also features excerpts of the radio communication between attack helicopters, medevacs, and ground forces.

In some places, the audio excerpts are condensed, to provide viewers a comprehensive overview of key events.

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2 comments on “AH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter Delivers Close air Support to Troops in Combat”

  1. Our first line of defense! I support our military and appreciate the sacrifice our Men and Women make to keep us safe.
    We need to get rid of the Woke mentality in the military so are troops can focus on training not being politically correct!

  2. I'm really surprised that Barack Obama while in office tried to do away with the A-10 Warthog that he didn't try to remove the AH-64D Apachie helicopter as well.
    Afterall Barack Obama closed down alot of military bases as well.
    It's all public information, check it out for yourselves.

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