Controversial Allegations Erupt as Tucker Carlson Accuses Mike Pompeo

 May 1, 2024

Tucker Carlson has made some striking allegations against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

In a recent podcast appearance, Carlson claimed that Pompeo engaged in criminal activities, including plotting the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and manipulating the handling of sensitive government documents.

Daily Mail reported that the accusations were voiced during an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” where Carlson didn't hold back in his criticisms of Pompeo.

Pompeo's contentious actions detailed

According to the TV host, Pompeo, who served as the CIA Director before becoming Secretary of State, specifically targeted Assange, advocating for extreme measures against him.

Furthering his claims, Carlson suggested Pompeo exerted influence over President Donald Trump, urging him to keep important files related to the JFK assassination under wraps.

Tucker Carlson relayed an alarming scenario where his discussions about the JFK files on his show led to direct threats from Pompeo’s legal representatives. They reportedly cautioned him about discussing classified information.

Assange's family concerns mirror allegations

Stella Assange, the spouse of Julian Assange, has shared concerns akin to Carlson’s claims. She openly described Pompeo as a threat to her husband's safety. Her fears are compounded by reported U.S. intelligence plans to harm Assange, stemming from WikiLeaks' release of confidential CIA hacking tools.

According to a Yahoo News report, these plans included discussions of assassination, portraying a grave picture of internal CIA conversations during Pompeo's tenure.

Despite these grave accusations, Mike Pompeo remains a respected figure within the Republican party. Despite the controversies, he has hinted at supporting Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, further solidifying his standing within the party.

Carlson critiques Pompeo’s potential future roles

Carlson was outspoken about Pompeo's anticipated future in politics during the podcast. He was particularly critical of Pompeo’s expected role in a future administration, considering the allegations against him and questioning the propriety of entrusting him with significant responsibilities.

Carlson said the thought of Pompeo being considered for a position like Secretary of Defense was especially troubling. He emphasized Pompeo’s continued influence in political circles despite what he perceived as criminal behavior.

Tucker Carlson provided a forceful summary of his stance, stating, "Mike Pompeo, it's like no, you're the guy who kept information, and the public has a right to know the secret. You're the guy who plotted the murder of someone who committed no crime. You are the outlaw, you are the bad guy, but no, he's treated as like a pillar of Republican Washington. I think that's mind-bending to watch that."

Public and political ramifications of the allegations

As highlighted by Carlson, the tension between public disclosure and state secrecy raises substantial ethical and legal questions. Pompeo, for his part, has not provided detailed responses to Carlson’s allegations, which include both plotting against Assange and mishandling classified documents.

These claims have sparked a wide range of reactions from the public and political commentators alike, with many waiting to see how these allegations will affect Pompeo's career and his standing within the Republican party.


Tucker Carlson's accusations against Mike Pompeo cover serious charges of plotting against Julian Assange and improper influence over classified documents. Pompeo’s prominence in the Republican party and his potential endorsement of Donald Trump add layers of political intrigue to the situation. The true impact of these allegations on Pompeo’s political career remains to be seen as the public and party members reflect on the weight of Carlson’s claims.

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